~ Chapter 31: Knocking on Eggman's Door ~

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The next morning, everyone is already awake as soon as Sonic and Y/N got back to camp.

"Morning, Rotor! Sleep well?" Sonic yawned.

"Couldn't sleep. So I set up the link to New Mobotropolis instead."

Sonic and Y/N looked confused.

"I think one of us needs more sleep, because that made no sense."

"We're setting up a live data stream back to our city." Sally explained.

"Oh. Cool! Why?" Y/N asked.

"To keep everyone back home informed. One way or the other, our fight with Dr. Robotnik ends today."

"We... the whole thing will be monitored? This isn't one of Hamlin's ideas, is it...?" Sonic asked.

"I proposed the notion. Our people have the right to know."

"The monitors are online here and I've just synced with Rotor. Can I get a level check please?" Nicole asked through the computer.

Sonic waved at the camera.

"Hi, mom!"

Y/N giggled behind him.

"Okay— Last check, Julie-Su?" Sally asked.

"I'm synced with Nicole and will be the contact for our team."

"The Chaotix are ready, Sally." Knuckles grinned.

(Start the music)

Y/N smirked in excitement and brought out her giant fist whip.

"Let's do it to it, Sal."

"I'll keep things under control here." Rotor said.

"Freedom Fighters! Chaotix! Let's take down the Eggman Empire!" Sally ordered.

Bunnie and Mighty began to punch the metal wall that's blocking the entrance as they managed to leave some dents.

"Almost through!"

"Just a couple of more hits!"

Sonic and Amy got into their position as Amy got her hammer up ready.

"Man-O-Man. I feel bad for anyone waiting for us on the other side."

"Ready for launch, Sonic?"

"One speedy-dash special on my mark...!"

Bunnie and Mighty soon tore open a hole in the wall.

"We're in!"

"Go, Sugah-Hog!"

Amy then slammed her hammer into Sonic as he did a spin dash and went flying into the hole as he landed on the wall. He looked around to find no one.

"Aw... I guess they're all lying in wait. Coast is clear, guys!"

The rest went inside.

"Freedom Fighters! Take the west hall! Sonic, you're on point!" Sally said.


Sonic, Y/N, Amy, and Tails went down the hallway and bumped into the Dark Legion. Sonic started hopping on their heads.

"I can't smash you guys like Badniks, but you're just as much fun to jump on!"

Amy hammered a few Dark Legion, knocking them away.

"This is so exciting! In the thick of the final battle with the love of my life! Weee!"

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