~ Chapter 30: Time & Again ~

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In the forcefield, Y/N was having a good sleep when she heard someone knocking on something. She woke up to see who it is along with Sonic who also woke up from the sound.



Y/N looked over to see Shadow standing outside the forcefield around them.

"Wake up, you two. We need to talk."

Y/N yawned, picked up her weapons, and walked up to him with Sonic by her side.

"Shadow? What are you doing here?"

"Evening, Faker. Come to join the invasion?"

"Other way around, actually." Shadow said, still not liking the nickname Sonic called him. "Rouge and I are on a support mission. I thought you'd both want in."

"Awesome. I'm in." Y/N smiled.

"Sounds cool. Let us wake up the others and we'll go." Sonic said.

"No. It's a small surgical strike. This is simply a courtesy call." Shadow said.

"By exclusive invitation only, huh? We can work with that. Be right with ya!"

Sonic and Y/N went into spin dash and dug under the forcefield to the other side. Shadow was impressed by that.

"Alright! So where's the party?"

"Rouge is waiting at the rendezvous point three clicks to Northeast. It's a large converted observatory."

"Cool. Race ya!"

Sonic runs off, leaving Y/N and Shadow in his dust. They look at each other and roll their eyes with an amused smile.

"I don't know how you tolerate him."

"He's always like that. Get use to him."

With that, Y/N and Shadow zooms off after Sonic.


When Y/N and Shadow got there, Sonic and Rouge were standing in front of the old observatory tower.

"Leave it to the Doc to turn a telescope into a killer-ray-shooter-thing." Sonic said.

"A high-grade one at that." Rouge said. "As best as I can tell, this thing will vaporize your force field, your camp, and half of the Eggdome itself."

"You sure? That seems a bit over the top, even for Robotnik."

Y/N and Shadow screeched to a halt when they reached them.

"Not anymore." Shadow said. "We believe the doctor is losing his last hold on reality. This is but one more piece of evidence."

"Nice of you two to show up. Get lost?"

Y/N slapped his shoulder hard.


Shadow smirked at that.

"You had a head start, you cheater."

"Nice to see you again, Y/N." Rouge smiled.

She goes to kiss Y/N when Y/N placed her finger on Rouge's lips with a deadpan look.

"Don't even."

Rouge chuckled and flew overhead, leading the way as Sonic, Y/N, and Shadow followed after her walking along an old pipe.

"And I think you're off, Faker. Eggman's a few chips shy of a motherboard, but he's not that far gone." Sonic said.

"Believe what you want. Just don't underestimate him when your time comes." Shadow said.

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