~ Chapter 68: Ambushed! ~

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Rocky Jungle Zone

Sonic and Y/N are racing against Moss who's swinging vines very fast.

"Ha! Not bad, old man! I thought we lost you a mile ago!" Sonic grinned.

"Lost? You came to me to find the way." Moss smiled slyly.

"Not what I meant, you walking fortune cookie."

"Just go with it, bro."

Sonic and Y/N then ran and skated through the lake while Moss landed on the log. Then comes the spin dash and more swinging as they race through the finish line where Mighty and Ray are waiting for them as Sonic and Y/N skid to a stop on the sand.

"AAAAAAAAnd first place! Just as—"

Moss not too long has landed next to them.

"—usual. Huh."

"Nice, Moss." Y/N smiled.

"I gotta admit, that was closer than we would've thought, old man."

"Thank you. You two ran and skate an excellent race. My speed came from knowing this land intimately. I let it help me move forward, rather than try to overpower it."

"Dude, me and sis raced through more zones, battleships and death traps. Than you can imagine. 'Go fast' is my answer to everything!"

"Ah! You have already found the answer to all your problems? Then I have nothing to teach you?" Moss chuckled, patting Ray's head.

This made Y/N snicker.

"Does he turn everything you say around on you?" Sonic grumbled, crossing his arms.

Mighty patted Sonic's shoulder.

"He did—until I finally started listening."

"What about you, dear? Have you learn something to your problem?"

"I'm... starting to understand it while thinking long and hard about my... form. Then, I learned that if I'm going to help everyone and save the world, I'm going to try to get use to it and accept myself. Even if it's... scary."

Moss smiled and patted her shoulder.

"That's what I like to hear. Looks like you've already know the answer."

"Thanks, Moss."

"Great... Now she's his favorite?" Sonic muttered, which Y/N heard that and elbowed him in the stomach.

"Master Moss is really smart, Sonic! He taught Mighty control, and me to be, well..."

"More proactive." Moss said.

"Haha... I'm working on it."

"I know I need help handling this... transformation thing. I don't want to risk losing control again and hurting my friends. But I know how I deal with stuff, and no amount of zen-talk is going to help me!"

Moss pointed at Sonic's chest sternly.

"You are a free spirit, child. Free as the wing. You resist 'control' to your very core. Like your sister said earlier, what you must learn is acceptance."

"Besides all this talk about 'controlling' you? You know who would say that?" Mighty smirked.

"Don't you even go there, dude."

"I got it! Dr. Eggman!" Y/N said, giggling.

"That's right, Y/N." Mighty said, smiling at her.

The next thing they did as surfing down the giant waterfall using their wooden board as they landed on the rocky porch and slide through it up high before jumping out of their board and landed on the palm tree branch and catapulted themselves over the waterfall to the top and landed gracefully right in front of Mighty, Moss, and Ray who're impressed.

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