~ Chapter 75: Shattered Pt. 2 ~

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Knuckles and Nixus circle around each other with Shadow and Y/N watching. Though Y/N is having suspicion of this Nixus character as she finds it impossible for there to be another echidna besides Knuckles and Kneecaps.

"I don't believe it. I thought me and my bro are the last one!" Knuckles exclaimed in shock.

"You don't believe it? Where've you two been hiding?" Nixus asked.

"We've always been on Angel Island. Where have you been?"

"Haha! I've been looking for Angel Island!"

"I thought you said you were looking for Master Emerald shards."

"Yeah--so did you. How come they're not on the island, huh? Huh?" Nixus quickly said, fixing his mistake.

"Hold that thought."

Knuckles turned to Y/N and Shadow and whispered.

"What do you guys think? I want to believe he's on our side, but..."

"Step aside." Shadow said and stepped forward to Nixus.

"I find it too convenient that we've come to this remote mine, happen to run into you, and that you're also coincidentally looking for the shards."

Y/N joined in.

"Yeah, who exactly are you? If you know Knuckles, then how come we've never seen you? What are you trying to pull? If this is some sort of trick, I won't hesitate to slice you into bits."

Nixus flinched and camly spoke.

"I could say the same thing to you, Mac. I've been down there all this time and you three just happen to find me? How do I know you're not thieves planning to mug me?"

"We're asking the questions here." Shadow stated, crossing his arms.

"Fine. I don't know how I wound up off the island, but I've been traveling the world looking for a way back as long as I can remember."

Nixus pulled out the shards of the Master Emerald.

"When I stumbled upon the Master Emerald shards, I started looking for more. I figured they'd be my ticket home."

"I don't know how I wound up looking after the Master Emerald myself. He's just like me--but in reverse!" Knuckles said in shock.

"Also convenient." Shadow added, still not trusting this Nixus person.

Y/N though said nothing as she's not convinced as Shadow.

"Or maybe it's a stroke of good luck! Just because your only surviving kin is a murderous alien—!"

Y/N immediately realized what he was going to say and smacked Knuckles on the head hard.


"Ow! What?"

Knuckles realized his words as Shadow looked away.

"...Sorry. That wasn't fair."

"Yeah. It does, huh?" Y/N sneered, making him look down.

"Hmph. Suit yourself. We need to be looking for Eclipse anyway."

Shadow pressed something on his ear and called.

"Shadow to Rouge. Have you and Kneecaps found anything?"

"Who?" Nixus asked in confusion.

"Evil space alien. Er... long story." Knuckles replied.

There were no replies from Rouge, making Y/N worry.

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