~ Chapter 22: Mogul Rising ~

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Since the Enerjak incident, Y/N had to wake up in the next morning and go back to her home. Knuckles feels a little better, but he still feels bad for what he did to those people. Y/N assured him that everything will be okay and reminded him that he should never give up and that he had friends to be there for. She was right now with Sonic and Kirby at the airfield where the plane landed as she remembered Mina and Ash are coming home from their world tour. Mina ran out of the plane, knocking some other people off and jumped into Sonic's arms.


"Hey, Mina! Welcome home!"

"Hi, Mina!" Y/N waved.

"Pooteetah!" Kirby greeted.


Mina let go Sonic and hugged Y/N.

"It's so good to see you again! You too, Kirby!"

"So do you."


Mina looked back at Sonic and grabbed Ash by the arm, pulling him towards them.

"And what a gorgeous new home it is! But first, me and Ash had some serious talks on tour, and he has something to say. Right, Ash?"


Ash disgruntly took Sonic's hand.

"I'm-sorry. I've been a jerk to you. To a lot of people. I've had it rough for a long time, y'know? Mina makes me forget about the bad times. I guess I overreacted when I thought you'd hurt her... or take her away from me."

"Which is silly."


Sonic rubbed his head awkwardly.

"Don't sweat it, man. I've been a bit of a jerk, too, at time."

"No joke."

Y/N and Kirby snickered slightly.

"AAAAsh, be nice." Mina scolded him.

Ash walked away.

"I'm gonna go get the band settled. I'll leave you to the hero. Later."

"Umm... later."

"'Bye, sweetie!"

Mina took both Sonic's and Y/N's hands.

"Alright, Sonic and Y/N! I can see New Mobotropolis any time. I want you to show me everything else! Starting with what we lost..."

Sonic, Y/N, Kirby, and Mina ran or skate through the what used to be the remains of Knothole as everything was filled with nothing but dirts, scraps, and ashes.

"This is all that's left of Knothole?!" Mina exclaimed.

"Robotnik is was thorough. At the very least, the Great Forest is still standing." Sonic explained.

"He's lucky I didn't kill him..." Y/N mumbled.

"I think-I think this used to be my house. It's hard to tell with everything gone." Mina said, looking at the hole. "When I took my show on tour, I wanted to rally the world to unify against the Eggman Empire. When we heard about Knothole, I wrote a song about it. I tried to write something that'd be a fitting tribute. Seeing this-I don't know if I could ever do it justice."

Y/N placed a hand on Mina's shoulder.

"You'll have to sing it for us and let us be the judge. C'mon, not everything was leveled."

They head to the Freedom HQ where there's what appears to be the wooden roof that's being constructed with Tails on top as he's fixing it.

"Oh, wow! I may not be a Freedom Fighter, but it's so nice to see Freedom HQ is still standing."

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