~ Chapter 66: Waves of Change Pt. 3 & 4 ~

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Everyone start fighting against the dark monsters.

"Beat 'em up and beat 'em back to the entrance pool!" Sonic said, kicking one away.

Razor quickly saved Sonic as he sliced two of those monsters, causing them to disappear and leaving nothing but purple smoke.

"Wha—?! Is that normal—?"

"No idea! It's like they're made of the gunk that's been seeping out of the planet!"

Amy squashed the monster to the ground with her hammer, making it puff out of the smoke.

"But then—Sonic! Y/N! You two breathed that stuff when—!"

"Not now!"

"But what if—?!"

"Not a priority right now, Amy!"

Rotor punched the monster behind him.

"There! That's the last of them!"

"No... There will be more. Many more. They come from the Anostos Rift by the hundreds every night..." Coral said, walking out of the temple with Pearly by her side. "And the shield that protected us all is gone. Because of me."

Y/N placed a hand on her shoulder.

"No, Coral. None of this is your fault! Don't beat yourself up! The jerks in Meropis have been stressing you out! It's their fault they broke your focus! They shouldn't have been harsh on you if they know the situation they're in."

"She's right! You can still perform the sacred rites. You can still bring the shield up. I know you can." Razor added.

"...You've never lost faith in me."

"We may have just met, but I'd never doubted you."

"You've never lost faith in me." Razor repeated what she just said.

"Then it's not a matter of 'I can.' It's that 'I must.'"

"Hold on a minute—if those things are attacking here, that means the city's gotta be overrun! We've gotta help!" Sonic said.

"I'm not leaving Coral." Razor protested.

"He's right—There will be more monsters. I'll stay here and back up Razor. You and Rotor go do your hero thing. It's what you're good at." Y/N said, bringing out her whip and katana.

"Always do, sis. Stay safe."

"You, too, bro."

"I'll stay here too. You might need some backup, Y/N." Amy said.


Sonic and Rotor then went off with their air charms before diving into the ocean towards Meropis. Just then, more dark monsters appeared. Kirby and Crusher took down the small ones as they puff into smoke while working together. Amy smashed one with her hammer. As for Razor and Y/N, they took care of the big one as he jump onto its body and started stabbing it with his sword with Y/N slicing and whipping the monster into pieces rapidly before it disappeared.

"Coral?! Sweetie?! Any time now!" Amy shouted.

Y/N spin dashed herself while holding onto her katana and sliced through those dark monsters easily like what Antoine had done earlier when he saved Muttski and Uncle Chuck from falling into the pit back in Wood Zone. Razor was surprised at her moves as Y/N stopped spinning and felt a little dizzy from that. Just then, one of the dark monsters goes to attack her from behind when he quickly comes to her rescue and sliced its stomach, causing it to puff into smoke.

"Thanks, Razor!"


Over at the Chao Garden, Pearly was trying to talk to the Chao but she was too nervous.

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