~ Chapter 21: Chaos Angel ~

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A giant beam of green light shot out of the sky, causing Y/N, Locke, and Archimedes to go above ground to see what was going on and immediately covered their eyes. Once the light died down, they look up to see Super Sonic battling against Knuckles/Enerjak in the sky. Sonic took the staff from Knuckles/Enerjak that he was holding and broke it in half. Then, Knuckles/Enerjak blasted him with Chaos Energy, but Sonic was unharmed without a single scratch.

"Whoa! I can't believe he survived that!" Y/N exclaimed in surprise, holding Archimedes in her hand. "Even I would survive that in my Super Form!"

Locke was sitting against the cement with a down look on his face with a hint of no hope.

"He won't forever. None of us will. You fool shouldn't have stopped me..."

Y/N and Archimedes looked back at him angrily.

"Oh, would you stop it and shut up already?! You've had plenty of chances to destroy the son you hate!"

"I—I don't hate Knuckles B-But he's become—!"

Archimedes teleported right in front of Locke's face and pointed at him harshly.

"Everything we worked to create. It was our training and your experiments on his DNA and Chaos Energy that lead to this. But he is not a mistake to bury, Locke. We are much to blame, if not more."

Archimedes teleported back to Y/N's hand.

"Come on, Archimedes. Let's see if we can find a way to help my bro and the Guardian we love enough to rescue! And maybe he would've been a good dad if he hadn't been such a jerk and learn at least about the value of family! Family comes first, stupid!!"

Y/N ran off with Archimedes, leaving Locke alone to think as he feels downhill already.


Y/N and Archimedes ran across the Angel Island as they could see the battle shook on. Sonic was holding his own, but Knuckles/Enerjak barely look tired nor give an inch.

"This is getting out of hand! We've got to find a way to stop them!"

"Then we go to the source of the problem."

They jumped over the cliff and landed on the small island where the Master Emerald is with Dr. Finitevus standing in front of it.

"Finitevus! You're the cause of all this! You warped Knuckles' mind! You made him lose control! Set him right, or I'll—!"

"You are in no position to do anything, girl. Besides, I couldn't stop this now if I wanted to. The Hex I placed upon the Master Emerald binds it to my will. The minute Knuckles tapped into its power, his intentions became bent to my ideals. I admit I'm surprised that Sonic could use its power without any effect. I would love to dissect him to find out why, but his battle with Enerjak will suit my grand design well enough."

"I don't care about your stupid plan! You made the Hex, now break it." Y/N demanded.

"I already said I couldn't if I wanted to. I expected a plucky resistance to 'save' your beloved Knuckles. So I 'locked' the Hex. To break the Hex and my control, someone must sacrifice their own life!" Finitevus said with a malicious grin.

Y/N and Archimedes were shocked as she could've guessed that.

"Fine. Thanks for that. I won't let him live like this."

This surprised Archimedes and Finitevus. The fire ant stopped her.

"No you don't, Y/N. The failures of the student are those of the teacher. You have your lives ahead of you. Plus, you've already made a sacrifice yourself against the Metarex. Don't let it happen again. I will go."

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