~ Chapter 7: Shadow Returns ~

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Weeks have gone by and a lot of stuff happened. Sally's parents had returned early from their world tour because Antoine that had gone with them was actually Anti-Antoine aka Patch. He tried to poison the king but his plan failed and instead it went to Antoine's father who's poisoned and passed away. Sonic along with Y/N went to Anti-Mobius to find the real Antoine and made it back safely. Bunnie and Antoine are back together as real lovers. Y/N even gave Patch a good punch to the face and both of his eyes before sending him back to where he belongs.

Right now, Y/N and Kirby are helping Hope and Rosie hang the laundry.

"It's such a beautiful day we'll have a picnic later, Hope! You're more than lucky to join us Y/N and Kirby!"

"Sure. That would be great."

"Awesome, Rosie!" Hope smiled. "I just love picnics!"

They were just hanging the clothes when suddenly everything was covered in dark shadow.

"Hey! What happens to the sun?!"

"Oh, my!"

Y/N looked up and glared to see an egg-shaped ship heading straight for the village.

"Hope, stay here with Rosie. I got some bone to pick with. Let's go, Kirby."

"Pooteetah." Kirby saluted and hopped onto her shoulder before Y/N zoomed off towards the village.

"Look! A Robotnik ship!!"

"He wouldn't dare come here, would he?!"

"It's him! It's really him!"

"What do we do?!"

"I dunno! Sound the alarm? Attack?"

"Somebody get Sonic and Y/N!"

Y/N made her way towards Tails and Rotor and noticed Eggman walked right in front of them. He stopped and looked at Y/N. Y/N immediately held the handle of the whip waiting for a fight when he suddenly walked away and headed off somewhere.

"I suggest we do nothing—until he either makes trouble or we hear from the king!" Rotor suggested.

"Rotor!! But—but— we're the Freedom Fighters!" Tails exclaimed, looking at him like he had lost his mind.

"But what?! Apparently he's committed no hostile action—"

"He's evil!"

"And until he does, we treat him as we would any visitor!"

"ARE YOU NUTS?! You think Sonic would agree with that a game plan?!"

Y/N placed a hand on Tails' shoulder.

"I agree with you, Tails. There's no way Eggman will come in peace unless he means it. We should go after him and see what he is up to."

"Pooteetah." Kirby nodded.

Tails blushed at the touch of his shoulder and smiled.

"Yeah. That would be great. Thanks, Y/N."

They then took off after Eggman until they found him stop at Sonic's house. Eggman was about to knock on the door when Sonic stepped out.

"Awww, mom! It's not like I was going to— Awwp!! You!!"

"You were expecting your precious Princess Sally or your dear sister Y/N?" Eggman grinned.

Sonic charged him, but before he could hit him Eggman flipped him over his shoulder. Sonic landed on his face.

"Learned some new moves since the last time? Stand back, everyone!! Give up, old man!"

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