~ Chapter 6: Songoose ~

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Y/N's arms was locked behind her back by Espio who had a kunai pointed at her neck.

"Say goodbye—"

Y/N immediately elbowed him in the gut, causing him to grunt in pain and release her. She turned and kicked him, sending him flying.


Espio quickly got up and start to throw ninja stars towards her. Y/N back flipped to dodge the stars. Y/N and the others are training practice as Sally, Kirby, and General watch over them. Cream and Cheese are also there to watch as Y/N had invited them to come over for a hangout after the training. Y/N brought out her katana and charged him as Espio quickly took out two kunais and their blades clash against each other. They struggled to push each other back until Y/N managed to kick one of the kunais out of his grasp and pushed him down with her katana. She goes to strike him when he kicked her back. Y/N quickly landed and suddenly felt someone's presence and tilted her head to the right as the white gloved fist move past her. She turned amusingly to see Knuckles who's smiled nervously before she grabbed his arm and flipped him over her shoulder.

Tails goes to attack Y/N as he flew down when Y/N turned and flicked his head hard, making him fly backward.

"Hey! No fair!"

He rubbed his forehead in pain and goes to attack her again, but this time Y/N didn't move as she let him come closer. Then, she did something he never expected.

"Tickle, tickle, Tails!~"

She starts tickling him in the belly, causing him to laugh.

"Tickle! No! My weakness!!"

Tails stopped flying and fell to the floor laughing as Y/N kept tickling him.

"Okay! Okay! Please stop! I yield! I'm gonna pee myself!"

She giggled and stopped tickling him as he regain his breath. Y/N quickly jumped away when Mighty goes to sneak attack her. 


Later, Y/N, Kirby, Sonic, Tails, Amy, Cream, Cheese, Bunnie, and Fiona are walking through the woods or flying which is obviously Cheese. They had to stop their training when the General, Antoine's father had collapsed due to coughing a lot. Sally's parents had to cut their world tour short due to complications.

"So Antoine didn't even flinch when he heard?" Bunnie asked.

"No, he just wanted to know the battle stimulation with the Chaotix." Sonic said.

"That's really odd for him not to worry about his father. Something's not right..." Y/N said with a thoughtful look.

"I think it's cruel for him not to worry about his father!" Cream huffed. "He should at least be a little more respectful."

"Chao Chao!" Cheese agreed.

"Pooteetah!" Kirby agreed too.

Just then, they stopped to the billboard that say 'Don't Miss Mina Mongoose In Concert Two Nights Only'.

"Too bad they couldn't stay for this. I still can't get over how Mina went from shy babysitter to pop star mega sensation!" Sonic exclaimed.

"Ohh! The concert! We should go there!" Cream said in excitement.

"Chao Chao!" Cheese agreed.

"Pooteetah!" Kirby agreed.

"Why not? That gal's got a mean set o' pipes!" Bunnie said.

"Sounds fun to me." Y/N said.

"It will help everyone calm down a little." Amy said.

"Uhh... Y-Y/N...?" Tails stuttered.

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