~ Chapter 84: Secret Exposed ~

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Y/N and Sharad are back in the rehearsal. Rotor noticed her and smiled.

"Y/N! Welcome back."

"Thank you for taking care of the show, Rotor."

"No problem. So, any luck with Monty?"

"No, but let's just hope he'll come around. I did my best to convince him."


"Alright, folks! Tomorrow we have our first run through so let's get this show in ship-shape-shaft!"

Sharad was about to get to his position when Y/N stopped him.

"Hey, Sharad. I wanted to give this to you from the start. So you won't forget that you're not alone anymore."

She hands him a photo of himself, the wisps, Y/N, and everyone else with smiles on their faces. He looks amazed.

"Is this... us? Do you really mean it?"

"Of course. You're my friend after all."

Sharad looks like he's about to cry and hugs her tight, surprising her. She eventually shook off and hugged him back. They pulled away and she gave him a light punch on the shoulder.

"Good luck out there."

He nodded happily and ran off as everyone quickly settles up the show as all of their creativity were put into reality as everything is all setup and spectacular. Costumes, makeups, materials were good and well-made. Planets and galaxies were shown. Bunnie, in a glittering armory dress, puts up a pose on the moon planet. Freddy in his war costume with black and white makeup on his face and besides him in each are the dark warriors as they stomp their staff against the ground. Sally, in her blue hooded sparkling dress, and Sonic, in his white outfit, are in their chemistry position as their auras are filled with love. Chica, in her friendly alien costume, jumps up high from the bouncer smiles at them. Sharad and his wisps, aka Dark Arms, are in their black armored outfit. Then goes to the final performer as the ship flies down and lands on top of the planet.

"And... cue Roxy!"

The ship opened for Roxy to reveal her in a space outfit as she walks down and get into her fighting position, holding up her gadget.

"Captain's log. I must take care... for I landed on... the Planet of War."

Roxy's acting was... bad. Very bad, leaving everyone in silence.

"Ohh. Okay, so uh, let's just hold right there, folks. Uh... everyone take five." Y/N awkwardly said.

The bell rings as the show was cut short.

"What the heck is the captain's log anyway?" Roxy asked, feeling so embarrassed.

"Um... Roxy? Can I have a word?"

Y/N and Roxy are now alone in the dressing room.

"Roxy, you know I dreamed to believe that this show it's close to being fantastic, maybe even perfect."

"Thank you."

"Yeah, but you see to make it the best it can be..." Y/N took a deep breath and spoke. "Um... I gotta make some changes."


"Like... I have to give the lead role back to Chica."

Roxy's eyes widened in surprise.


"I'm just offering you the option to switch roles."

Roxy stared at her for a moment, looking back at the helmet she was holding earlier. She then sighed, knowing what she need to do.

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