~ Chapter 52: Babylon Rogues ~

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Y/N landed as soon as she got out of the Special Warp Ring and found herself back in her Prime Zone as she sniffed the air.

"Ahh... It feels good to be home. Now, where is New Mobotropolis? Looks like I'm in some sort of forest that's definitely not the Great Forest."

She began to walk through the forest as it's already night time as she look around for anyone or any sign that can help her get back to New Mobotropolis. Y/N was just about to jump up to the tree for a better view to at least find the village when she spotted something sparkling. She looked over to find a cave that just started sparkling like a star. Curious, she zoomed over and started heading into the cave, not noticing the three figures spotted her and began to follow her. Y/N was amazed at the cave as she found herself in a wonderous maze filled with rocks and a waterfall she could see that glows.

 Y/N was amazed at the cave as she found herself in a wonderous maze filled with rocks and a waterfall she could see that glows

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She looked down at the rocks that looks slippery from the water as she could see a reflection through it. She removed her wheels from her shoes and placed them behind her back and began to carefully walk across. Y/N then climb up the rock wall that leads to somewhere to the next cave as she did her best not to fall and managed to made it up to the top. She looked back, feeling relieved she didn't fall and went back to exploring. As she head into another cave, she noticed it's getting dark and brought out her ruby to light up the area. Y/N found herself in some sort of mines as she could see the crystals and rocks glowing in the wall as she walk through as if she's in a museum.

"Woah... What's that?"

Y/N stopped. In a floating bubble, there stood a green gem orb called the Nephrite.

 In a floating bubble, there stood a green gem orb called the Nephrite

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Y/N carefully walk over to it and look around for any traps. As soon as she was sure everything was fine, she popped the bubble and caught the gem and held it up to admire it as it brightly reflects like a sun.

"Wow! It's... beautiful."

Suddenly, it began to glow, blinding her like something just awoken until it died down.

"Huh. Odd..."

Y/N then decide it was best to leave, seeing she found some souvenior. She head back to where she came while being more careful. Once she's out and after placing her wheels back on her shoes, she look down at the green gem to admire it again when she heard a familiar voice.

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