~ Chapter 72: A Ray of Hope ~

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Aboard in Sky Patrol, while Sonic, Chip, and Antoine are out on a mission, Y/N and the others are listening to Knuckles' story of what happened to the Master Emerald as well as his encounter with Eclipse the Darkling, whom Shadow and Team Dark are trying to find. Y/N had a bad feeling about this Eclipse person and the Dark Arms, knowing they're still out there and will be ready once the world is saved. As Knuckles explained, Kneecaps showed them the shard of the Master Emerald.

"...So I had to shatter the Master Emerald. Again. And its shards rained down on the messed-up planet. I thought me and Kneecaps were hunting down one of the shards when I ended up getting us roped into the fighting tournament."

"Yeah, and then you kissed me out of the ring..." Y/N grumbled, glaring at him which made him smile nervously while feeling embarrassed.

"Now-Now, Y/N, don't be a sore loser!" Cream assured her with a smile.

"Yeah. You did your best. Although I never expected him to kiss you like that." Amy said with a sly smile, making Y/N smack her arm.

"What about yer island? Without the Master Emerald's power, it'll fall. And with the planet like this..." Bunnie spoke.

"No, it's still floating--just like all the continents. I guess one good thing had to come of all this."

"But that means if we fix the planet, your island will fall!" Cream gasped.

"But it's not like we can postone saving everyone..." Rotor said sadly.

"Hold on! How have you been tracking down the shards?" Amy asked.

"Uh... Same as I always do? With my innate ability to track their power." Knuckles replied with his eyebrow raised.

"Amy, you're thinking..." Y/N started, feeling where this was going as Amy smiled at her with a nod.

"Yeah, but how much range do you get on that?"

"I dunno, a few miles? Beyond that, it's guess work."

"I thought so! I think I've got a better idea!"

Amy brought out a magical flute as Y/N stood next to her with her ruby already glowing.

"When we were in Meropis, the local priestess taught me a technique she called the 'Mystic Melody.' I've been using it to help us narrow the search for the Gaia Temples, but maybe it can help us find the Master Emerald shards, too!"

"Ooh, yay! It sounds so pretty!" Cream clapped.

Amy started playing the flute with Y/N closing her eyes as she mumble a few words before their eyes widened.

"Yeah...Yeah! I can see it!"

"I can see it too! There's one in Apotos!"


"Whoa! Really?" Kneecaps said in shock.

"Then if I get to the surface, I should be able to track it from there!" Knuckles said in amazement.

"This is perfect! We can find them from a distance--"

"--and I can find them at short-range!"

"Great!" Kneecaps smiled.

"That's great and all, but remember fixing the whole planet? Amy and Y/N are our best bet at finding the temples. I mean, you guys were gone with Sonic and Antoine on a scouting mission, and the Sky Patrol almost got overrun! We can't divide ourselves, or go flying everywhere while the world suffers!" Rotor said.

"Angel Island is part of our world, Rote." Bunnie reminded.

"Mister Knuckles and Mister Kneecaps brought us a Chaos Emerald, and helped us win another! It's only fair that we help them!" Cream added.

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