~ Special Announcement ~

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A/N: Hey, guys! Sorry that this is not the chapter. I'm pretty busy. Don't worry I have been working on it. I'm also trying to figure out the good idea for Eclipse and the Dark Arms when they learn good things in Mobius after I finish my Christmas Specials. If you guys have any ideas to help me with the next, next chapter, that will be great and appreciative. My friend WolfFang012 gave me this wonderful idea for the special AU story she's going to write along with the comic she's going to draw. I will be an assistant on helping her with the story called "The Blood Bride." The picture you saw earlier on top was a cover of the story. Pretty cool, right? The comic will be on Webtoon as soon as we get started. Surprisingly, Webtoon allows fancomics as long as it's their original idea.

Here is a description to this story. Oh, and one more thing. The name for Y/N will be called Clara since it's her idea. Plus, I like that name. Here we go. *clears throat*

In the late 1800's, Clara the Hedgehog is the daughter of a retired soldier and younger sister of a successful merchant aka Sonic the Hedgehog. She makes a living by being a waitress for the local public in her little village. While her brother is away for work, strange rumors have been going around of the new lord of their village having late balls and village girls keep disappearing from their homes.

One day, she bumped into a mysterious hedgehog covered in dark clothes and with red eyes. She apologized for the mistake and walks away but the man followed her to her work. Then when it turned night as she walks home from her shift, she finds a locket at the door of her house. She examines it to see it was the color of blood red. After that, she ends up bumping into the same man for three days straight like it was a coincidence until on the third night, she was walking home when she suddenly felt a chill down her spine. A fog came out of nowhere and quickly began to cover the entire village. Feeling a sense of danger lurking around, she tried walking faster to home but the fog was so thick she couldn't see where she was going. Then in a faint whisper she could've sworn she heard the voice of her deceased mother, who died of the Black Plague when she was a child. Without hesitation, she followed the voice of her dead mother until she was at the gate of the new lord's castle.

She was brought in by a servant who told her, we have been expecting you, Ms. Hedgehog. She was greatly confused and tried telling the servant that there has to be a mistake. She was trying to get home, but the fog blocked her way.

But the servant just said, "Madame, there hasn't been any fog during this night."

Looking at the man like he was crazy, she turned around to see that he was right. The was no fog behind her and that she was at least 30 miles from her village. She then asked the servant why did he say they were expecting her arrival? The servant replied that his master sent her an invitation for this evening's Gala. But she was confused as she never once received an invitation. Then the servant suggested looking into the pocket of her apron dress. She reaches in and shows a sealed envelope with her name on it. With fear filling in her veins, she opens the envelope with shaky hands to reveal an invitation to Lord Shadow's Gala for tonight. And it said, it will provide a beautiful dress and will change her life forever.

Then the servant takes Clara to one of the guest suites and provide her with a blood red dress. She put the dress on and wears the locket she kept in her pocket. Then she was summoned to the Lord's chamber before the party started. Feeling the sense of dread in her body, she quickly examined the room for any exits or weapons and the only weapon she could find was a letter opener and hid it in the sleeve of her dress. That's when Shadow the Hedgehog appears behind her, scaring the life out of her. He jokes saying that she looked like she saw a ghost.

"I apologize, my Lord. I didn't hear you come in. You move very swiftly." she replied nervously.

"Well, I don't need permission to enter my own chambers now, do I?" Shadow said, drawing closer to her.

"That is true, my Lord. But I do have a question for your lordship, if you permit it."

"You may ask, my Lady."

"Why would you send an invitation to an extraordinary Gala to peasant girl like me? Or give me a gorgeous gown that I could never afford in my entire life?"

"Well miss, you intrigued me these days, and I wished to bring you here. Is that so odd?"

"My Lord, up until this night I have never once met you before."

Clara backs away from him, but he draws closer to her with a strange look in his eyes.

"Yes we have, in another life time, my dear."

Shadow walks closer as Clara was now trapped between the hardwood desk and the Lord. She tried to get away, but when she looked into his eyes, it was like her soul was entranced and she was frozen but not in fear.

"I have crossed countless of worlds and lived a thousand lifetimes to meet you again, my dear."

Shadow wraps her in a loving embrace as his hand rested upon the girl's cheek before gliding down to her neck where the locket began releasing a faint pulse of light.

"I knew I would find you one day, my love."

Shadow then lowers his head and nuzzles against her neck before giving it a lick. Then before he could do anything else, the girl quickly got out of her trance and pushed him away. Feeling the danger, she quickly ran out of the room and tried her best to get out of the castle, but it seemed like the hallway was changing and she kept on running and running. When she finally burst through the grand doors, she witnesses a horrible scene before her eyes.

Hundreds of young girls were bleeding out and some of them were from her village. The aristocrats were laughing and drinking the blood from the crystal champagne cups and they also showed their fangs. Clara tried escaping, but she ran into the arms of Shadow. So in an act of desperation, she took the letter opener from her sleeve and slashed the Lord's cheek in hope that he would let her go. But to her horror, his eyes glowed bright red as he casually licks the blood that runs down his cheek. Then he slap the weapon from her hands and announce to the other vampires that Clara will be his bride and if anyone tries to drink her blood will be killed...


That's the idea so far and from the cover, Sonic comes back and realizes that his sister is in danger and tries to rescue her, but ended up badly hurt that she agreed to be Shadow's bride if he spares the life of her brother and the rest of the villagers. And before she leaves, Sonic swears that he will find her again and he will kill Shadow if it's the last thing he do. Pretty interesting, right? That's all I wanted to tell you. If you guys think this is a good idea, then you are so right! Give credit to my friend for the creative idea.

Another great news I wanted to tell you! If guys heard the new game, then... it's a freaking FNAF Security Breach!! Ahh!!! 😍😍😍 I'm so excited! I can't wait to play that game! I luckily got a PlayStation from my mom's coworker from a while ago. Not only that, I bought myself a Montgomery Gator plushie! Ahh!! I love him already!! 💚💚 December 16 is the release date! Brace yourself for the upcoming terrifying playthrough you'll ever face! Here's an awesome new image! Isn't it cool or what?!

 Not only that, I bought myself a Montgomery Gator plushie! Ahh!! I love him already!! 💚💚 December 16 is the release date! Brace yourself for the upcoming terrifying playthrough you'll ever face! Here's an awesome new image! Isn't it cool or what?!

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That's all folks! The next Christmas Special chapter will come soon! Love ya!! Peace out!! ⛄❄

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