~ Chapter 27: Hedgehog Havoc ~

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Rosy swings her hammer down to Scourge who quickly dodged it as the hammer smashed the ground with a huge crack.

"MREE-HEE-HEE! So many cute hedgehogs to smush into mush!"

"Okay, so far the plan sort of worked." Sonic nervously said, leaning away from Rosy.

"Cut it out, Rosy!" Scourge exclaimed.

"My Scourgey-Wurgey remembers me!"

"I prefer our Amy than Rosy..." Y/N said, backing away.

Sonic grinned teasingly at Amy.

"Obsessive. Hammer-Happy. Can't take a hint. I'm having trouble telling you apart."

"Keep it up, cutie, and I'll smash you for her."

"Yeah-yeah-yeah. Go check on Buns. We'll cover you."

"Right!" Amy runs over to Buns' aid.

Sonic and Y/N charges Scourge as they begin to fight. Scourge spin dash at Sonic who quickly jumps over it as Scourge smash through the pillar.

"You just had to ruin my fun!"

Scourge ducked back from Y/N's giant fist whip that was thrown.

"I conquered this planet in weeks! Now I've got to start all over on yours!"

"You're breakin' my heart." Sonic joked.

Scourge, Sonic, and Y/N charged each other.

"What I'm gonna do is break your world! It'll do more than bow to me! And I will make your sister mine!"

"Same old song, dude. Put up or shut up. And you can't have her!"

"Yeah, don't bring me into your mess!"

Just then, Shadow appeared before them in the middle, stopping their fight as he glowed green for a sec.


"Shadow!" Y/N exclaimed in surprise.

Shadow gave her a smile in greeting.

"What in the heck are you doing here?!" Scourge demanded.

"Um... Hi, Shadow?" Sonic questioned.

"I take it this is not the special zone." Shadow said, looking around the dump of the castle.

"Nope. This is Moebius." Y/N said.


"The Anti-Mobius? Evil Mobius? Another zone? Forget it." 

Shadow turned to Scourge.

"Why does he have a crown?"

"He conquered this world and then tried to invade Mobius. Since you're here, do you want to help beat him up?" Sonic offered with a smirk.

"Dude! Weak!"


Y/N grinned in excitement when another green flash appeared to reveal Metal Sonic.


Metal Sonic turned to the hedgehogs.


Sonic, Y/N, Shadow, Scourge, and Metal Sonic went into their fighting stance.

"So does this even the odds or what?" Sonic asked.

"No Metal Scourge? I'm insulted." Scourge scowled.

"The robot is welcome next to your immature..." Shadow started.

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