~ Chapter 58: Babysitting Kneecaps ~

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Y/N is right now making something as she was distracting herself from... the echidna incident. Sonic and her friends had asked her if she could come with them for another mission, but she declined it for a reason and wanted to take some break. They understand what she was going through and didn't pressure her and let her take time to heal emotionally. Y/N was then done from her hard work as she smiled in satisfaction. Kirby came over with some blankets as he handed them over to her as she thank him for it and placed it in nice and neat.

"Phew. That took a lot of work. This is perfect."

"Pooteetah." Kirby nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door.

"Hm? Who could that be?"

YN comes over and answers the door to see Knuckles standing outside of her treehouse with Kneecaps in his arms.

"Hey, Y/N."

"Oh! Hey, Knuckles! Hi, Kneecaps!"

"Ba!!" Kneecaps smiled.

"What are you doing here?"

"I... kinda need your help with him. Vector and the others decided that they'll guard the Master Emerald while insisting that I needed a break from... you know what happened. And now here I am asking you for help..."

"Oh, well, sure! Come in!"

Knuckles smiled in relief and went inside with Kneecaps. Kirby gasped and ran over to see Kneecaps. Kneecaps giggled and smiled at Kirby who smiled back. They head in the kitchen as they placed Kneecaps on the chair and Y/N is sitting in front of him with Kirby on the table.

"Hahaha! Hello, little Kneecaps!"

Kneecaps suddenly starts crying.

"Huh? Is... everything okay? Why is he crying?"

Knuckles panicked.

"I don't know, I tried everything to help him and I— "

Y/N picks up Kneecaps and pats his back and then he burps. Knuckles gaped in disbelief.

"Are you serious? That was it?!"

Kneecaps starts laughing.

"Hahahaww! He's so cute!" Y/N squealed.

"Whatever... I honestly didn't expect to deal with this brat."

"Is... this your first time taking care of a baby?"

"Ugh, is it that obvious?"

Kneecaps continues to make baby noises throughout this whole conversation while playing with Kirby who laughs.

"Hehehe. Painfully." Y/N giggled.

"Fine, I admit it. I've no idea how to take care of babies." Knuckles sighed.

"Hehehehe. Wait, is Knuckles, the guy who acts like he knows everything and that he's tough,"

Kneecaps and Kirby quiets down at this point.

"...asking me for help?"

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