🔔 Christmas 2021 Special Pt. 2: Christmas Chao-Tastrophe ☕

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The mysterious cloaked Mobian lady is walking upstairs to Y/N's treehouse, followed by a bunch of different kinds of Chao. She knocks on the door, and Sally, who is sitting on the couch reading a book, got up.

"I'll get it, I'll get it."

She walks to the door and opens it for the mysterious Mobian lady.

"Oh, hello there Amy. I am so glad you're watching my Chao for me."

"Uh, do I look like Amy?" Sally questioned, looking confused. "There seems to be a mistake."

"I don't have time to play your silly games, Amy. Now listen up. The Chao I'm about to give you are very special. Just be good to them and they're easy to take care of. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to attend my Chao appointment for my other 52 other Chao. Thanks again, Amy!"

She walks off, leaving her Chao with Sally. The Chao begins to fly around the room.

"Wait, I'm not Amy! Come bcck here, you- Uh..."

She looks around to find her gone..

"Huh? Where did she go? Ugh! Amy, come down here and get your Chao! Amy!"

Y/N, who heard her, walks out of the room.

"What's going on? Why are you yelling? Amy isn't here. She's working the noon shift, remember?"

She looked around and gasped to see flying Chao.

"Whoa! Where did these Chao come from?!"

"That crazy lady from down the street left these nine Chao here for her to babysit!" Sally exclaimed.

"That's odd..."

"I know, but my point is they're Amy's responsibility, and I don't know how to take care of them!"

"Huh? Um, uh, Sally, y-you said there were nine Chao, and I'm only counting eight."

Sally froze and look around.

"What?! Ugh, are you serious? One is missing! It was right here just a second ago!"

"Are you sitting on it?"

"Wha-what, what kind of question is that?! I'm not even sitting!"

"I don't know! I'm just saying!"

"We need to find that Chao. I don't want it looking for a place to pee in the treehouse."

"I don't think Chao pee..."

"...Where do we even begin looking to find Chao?"

"Um, well, Chao likes to explore places. So they could be anywhere in this treehouse. Boxes, under beds, couches, in the bookshelves between the books that aren't there, I mean, he's wearing a little sweater, so he probably is gonna be somewhere with a cooler climate somewhere in the house. At least I would hope so."

"What about these other Chao? What are we going to do with them?"

"Heh, I mean, they haven't run off and tried to hide, so we can probably just leave them all here, I guess."

"Ugh... put them all in your room."

"What?! My room?! Heh, why not your room?! You're responsible for them!"

"Your room is bigger, the Chao would probably like it there better."

"Okay, first off Sally, Kirby's in my room, and he's not or has been, never has been a bigger fan of Chao, okay? I'm afraid they'll mess up my room."

"Then they can mess up on your Anime posters. And you're a liar. Kirby loves Chao. Let's just get looking for that Chao."

Sally then went off to find the other Chao.

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