🕊 Christmas 2021 Special Pt. 5: Mistletoe Wars Pt. 2 🌿

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Sonic walks down the stairs from the treehouse and noticed some crowd.

"Whoa! What's going on?"

"Just hosting the party, hon." Sally lied through a smile.


"What were you doing up in Y/N's treehouse anyway?"

Sonic froze and smiled forcibly.

"Oh, nothing. Just using the bathroom."

"Oh, okay. Come on, there's plenty of chili dogs for you."


Party went on as Rotor is setting up the big screen with help of Nicole's techno power and Tails' smart. Y/N questioned Sonic about the poster incident as he admitted that he was jealous of Sally's fan girl over some Mobian handsome boys that she finds and wanted to get a little revenge. Y/N was surprised by it and told him to next time to not do that again and just admit his jealousy to Sally. He agreed. Y/N is eating her dinner, happy to have everyone all together as family.



She turned to see Knuckles again.

"Knuckles? What's going on?"

"I... I need to tell you something."


Knuckles was about to speak, but he is interrupted by another footsteps.

"Huh? One second. I'm sorry, Knuckles."

She turned and gasped to see Shadow and the Dark Team.

"Shadow! Rouge! Omega! I'm so glad you guys made it!"

"No problem, thanks for inviting." Shadow smiled.

"I honestly didn't think you guys were going to come it's so late in the evening. And I know you guys are busy with those... G.U.N. thing work."

"Well, you invite us."

"It would be rude not to come. Plus, I really need some break from work." Rouge said with a sigh.


"True. Better late than never. Help yourself. Come in and have fun."

"Thanks, sweetie."

Rouge then gave Y/N a kiss on the cheek, causing her to go pink for a second before she rapidly wipe the kiss off. Seeing their presence, Knuckles feels threatened by Shadow, especially Rouge.

"Shadow... Rouge... no this isn't good!"

"Um, Knuckles, I'm so sorry about that. Now where exactly were we-"

She was suddenly interrupted by Tails, who happen to be nearby.

"WE were just about to go to the dinner table place in the tent."

"Oh, I'm so sorry Knuckles. Geez! It's just moments like these I wish I had some girls to help me host this party!" Y/N said, looking straight at the girls, who were whistling.

"Right this way, Y/N." Tails ushered her to follow him to the mistletoe which she didn't realize at first, however Knuckles noticed it.

"OH NO!"

Knuckles quickly goes over and takes the mistletoe and runs off.

"What??" Y/N questioned in surprise.

"Hey! Knuckles!!" Tails shouted in anger, running after him.

"Hey, my Grandma's mistletoe!"

Tails and Knuckles fight as they continuously circle around the dinner table and through the snow

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