~ Chapter 14: I Am... ~

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Sonic walked inside the Freedom HQ as Y/N was helping Tails with the data.

"Alright, this is getting ridiculous...! Where the heck is Fiona?"

"I don't know..." Y/N sighed, looking down a little.

She noticed Tails' expression was sad as if he knows something. Knuckles walked in after with the Extreme Gear and Kirby on his shoulder as his fur was puffed out and messy, but he sure look like he had a lot of fun.

 Knuckles walked in after with the Extreme Gear and Kirby on his shoulder as his fur was puffed out and messy, but he sure look like he had a lot of fun

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Y/N giggled at the sight and patted his fur back straight.

"No-show on the mission. No-show about any other time... Yo, Tails! Have you seen her lately?"

Tails said nothing and was about to leave when Y/N walked over to him.


"I... I can't say."

She frowned.

"Why? Don't you trust me?"

His eyes widen and shook his head.

"No. Of course I trust you! It's just... I don't want you to get hurt emotionally..."

"Why? At least, tell me."

"I... I'm sorry."

Tails quickly fly off, leaving her in thought.

"I... I don't understand."

"Are you two fighting?" Knuckles asked.

"I don't think so." Y/N said.

"Is Fiona still disappearing on you?"


"I'm really beginning to wonder if..." Sonic started.

All of the sudden, Tails fly back in with wide eyes.

"Sonic! Y/N!"

"Ha! I knew he'd come around!"

"Tails? What's wrong?"

"It's Shadow! He's headed this way, and he's under attack!"

"What?!" she exclaimed.


Indeed that Tails is right as Shadow was running away with a disk in his hand and six hairs in the other from the two red robots. They send out bolts of electricity which he quickly dodged them, but it grazed the disk he was holding, damaging it a little.


Y/N, Sonic, and Tails came in on time and destroyed two robots into pieces.

"We've got to stop meeting like this." Sonic smirked.

"Shadow! Are you alright?" Y/N asked in concern, walking over to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but..."

He looked down at the disk and saw a burnt mark on the edge.

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