~ Special Chapter: Y/N's a Baby?! ~

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(A/N: Adorable artwork and the baby idea story by Camzy2004.)


Y/N and Kirby are having a nice relaxation in their new tree house with a giant cherry blossom tree on top from all the battle and adventures they went through.

Y/N and Kirby are having a nice relaxation in their new tree house with a giant cherry blossom tree on top from all the battle and adventures they went through

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They were just taking a long nap when a loud beep was heard, making them groan. Y/N rolled over to see her watch and quickly replied in a tired voice.


"Heya, sis! Sleep well?"

It was Sonic.

"I was until you woke me up. What is it?"

"I called you here to come and help Uncle Chuck with the boxes. It's kinda a lot and I would easily help him in no time with my speed, but he told me not to because there are some fragile things inside and wouldn't want them to break. Please? It's only once and you can do whatever you want."

Y/N sighed for a moment before she spoke.

"Alright. Fine. I'm coming."


At Chuck's house after leaving Kirby inside her new treehouse.

"Thanks for coming to help." Sonic smiled.

"No problem. Why didn't you just get Sally or Tails to do it?" Y/N said.

"Sally's busy with her stuff and royal job. You know, the thing you need to get. As for Tails, I didn't want to bother him since he's more focused on Sky Patrol with Rotor."

"I see. Everyone sure is taking responsibility."

"I know. Sometimes I don't want to be an adult today."


Chuck came in, wiping the sweat off his forehead with a towel.

"Oh, thank you both for helping out, I have to say."

"Of course, Uncle Chuck! Glad we could help!"

"So, what do you need us to do?"

"Let's start by taking these boxes upstairs." Chuck suggested.

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