🕊 Christmas 2021 Special Pt. 4: Mistletoe Wars 🌿

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At Sonic's living room, Sonic and Tails were reading comics when they noticed Knuckles walking past by.

"Yo, Knux. What are you up to?"

"Oh, nothing. Just going to...um... head to the room and turn in for the night." Knuckles said, lying through his smile.

"What? It's 3 p.m." Tails pointed out, looking confused.

"Yeah, I'm just, uh... not feeling too well today. Got a bad cold from the snow coming from the open window and everything."

He began to fake cough.

"So I'll be turning in for the night. Night, guys."

Knuckles quickly head into the room with something in his hand.

"But... his window was closed before he went to sleep." Tails said, still looking confused.

"Tails. He had the mail in his hand." Sonic said.

Suspicious of his odd behavior, Sonic and Tails go barging down the door for some answers.

"Knuckles! What are you hiding?!" Sonic demanded.

Knuckles turned to them in surprise.

"Did you seriously broke down your door?!"

Tails swiftly took the mail from him while he was distracted from shockness.

"What's this?"

"Hey! That letter is for me!"

"It's addressed to all of us. It's from Y/N."

Tails began to read the letter.

"Dear, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles,

You are invited to a party Sally, Amy, Bunnie, Kirby, and I are hosting in my place. It's a special party that is going to be outside of my treehouse, but since it's in season we're doubling it as a pre-holiday party too. No gifts are required to come. Feel free to bring a plus-one.

Y/N the Hedgehog"

"You sneak! You were going to keep this from us!" Tails glared.

"How could you?! You know I want to go to my sis' party since she's so good at it!" Sonic whined.

"No, I just wanted to read it first to find out what it was about. It could have been a love letter to me from her." Knuckles calmly stated, slightly blushing.

"Dream on!" Sonic scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah!" Tails huffed.

"Speaking of love, tonight might be the night I get that kiss from her."

"What?!!" Sonic and Tails exclaimed in shock.

"It's a holiday themed party. There's bound to be mistletoe there."

"That's right. I totally forgot about the mistletoe. This is perfect! This is my chance!" Tails declared confidentially.

"Oh, boy..." Sonic sighed, knowing where this is going since he knows almost all the guys liked his sister as he's not surprised by that. "If there is a mistletoe, I wouldn't mind kissing Sal there..."

Knuckles chuckled at Tails' declaration, which the fox immediately noticed.

"What are you chuckling at?"

"Remember what I said a few days ago about keeping your cool? You are destined to blow it. I'm just going to sit on the sidelines, watch the whole thing go downhill, and swoop in when the time is right. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to take a shower to get ready for the party."

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