💀 Halloween 2021 Special: Trick or Treat Pt. 2 🦇

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Back to the party as Y/N, Kirby, Tails, Sonic, Sally, Bunnie, Antoine, Knuckles, and Shadow are sitting in the chair.

"Uh... The guys just keep looking over this way." Shadow said, feeling uncomfortable.

The guys Shadow was talking about were Espio, Silver, Mighty, and Ray as they're giving them puppy eyes.

"Let them." Y/N scoffed.

"It's getting to the point where it's kinda creepy." Knuckles stated.

"Just don't pay attention to them. I'm not in any mood to talk to them right now. Hmph!" Y/N crossed her arms with huff.

"Me neither." Tails nodded in agreement, still upset with the scare the boys have given them.

"Ha, ha... It was kinda funny seeing you jump like that. They didn't seem to be doing that out of harm." Sonic said to Tails.

"Sonic!" Sally scolded, smacking his arm.

Y/N and Tails immediately glare at Sonic with a growl.

"I-I mean, yeah! How dare they?!" Sonic stammered.

"Smooth, Sonic." Antoine shook his head.

"While it annoyed both Sonic and I that they kept scaring Tails, I'm kind of on offense about this one. Sonic is right. It was a tad funny after the fact. But at the same time, they were doing to help everyone." Knuckles said.

"Yeah, I know. I just want them to suffer a tad for doing that to Tails. So let them keep their puppy eyes for a while." Y/N said with a giggle.

"Yeah. It is funny seeing them like that." Tails snickered along with Kirby.

"Oh, you can be evil. I like that." Shadow smirked at Y/N, making her blush.

"She's not evil! She's pure." Knuckles protested.

"Yeah, pure evil." Sonic rolled his eyes.


"You don't live with her. She hogs the bathroom all the time!"

"Hey! I do not!"

"You still do, sis. Even when you live by yourself."

"Did not!"

"Did to!"

"Pooteetah.." Kirby pointed out.

"Oh, quiet. Or no candy corn for you."

Kirby pouted and stayed quiet as the siblings argue.


Meanwhile, the boys kept giving them puppy eyes as they sat on the couch outside of the yard.

"Espio, I don't think this is working." Mighty said.

"Just keep up with the sad puppy eyes. Y/N and Tails likes cute things. They'll break eventually."

"I don't know how much longer I can keep this up." Ray whimpered.

"Right. This is unnatural. Should we just go over there and apologize again?" Silver asked.

"No, that's the easy way! We gotta show them we mean it." Espio said.

Rouge and Omega came over with their costumes as she's dressed up as a witch while the robot is dressed up with a big pumpkin on his head.

"Uh... What are you guys doing?" Rouge asked.


"Long story short, we messed up real bad with Y/N and Tails." Silver explained.

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