~ Chapter 11: Leak ~

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The lights turned on to reveal Rouge who covered her eyes from the bright light with her wing, sitting in the table with Vector in front of her and papers in his hand. Knuckles, Julie-Su, Y/N, and Kirby are standing next to her with a glare.

"Alright then, lady. Let's take it from the top." Vector sternly said.

"Is this how you treat everyone who comes in looking for help?" Rouge asked.

"Only those with a reputation like yours."

Rouge turned to Knuckles.

"You're the head of the Chaotix, right? I'm sure you could make all this go away."

"Not likely." Knuckles replied coldly.

Rouge then turned to Y/N who's petting Kirby on the head in her arms like a boss.

"Y/N, sweetie. We're friends, right? Can you tell these meanies to be nice to me?"

"Since when are we friends? You're with that green loser."

"And I suppose you like him?"

"No way." Y/N said without hesitation.

"Good." Rouge smiled in relief, making Y/N confuse on what she mean by that.

"According to Sonic and Tails, you popped out of a warp ring right outside Freedom HQ." Vector explained, looking at the paper.

"Warp ring technology is exclusive to Angel Island. How did you get one?" Julie-Su asked, pointing at her.

"Nack wouldn't loan me his marvelous queen. A girl has to get around somehow."

"You came to us for protection. We can't do anything until we know what we're up against." Knuckles said.

"Why should I tell you?"

"If you don't tell us, there will be consequences."

Y/N brought out her giant fist whip as she held it up in a tight grip with Kirby on her shoulder as he punch his fist.

"Rude much? Violence won't solve anything, Y/N." Rouge smirked.

"Maybe you'd like a security lamp for your own cell?" Vector questioned with a sass.

Rouge placed her legs up on the table.

"Clever. It's nice to see the lamp isn't the only bright thing in the room. The kingdom of Knothole has taken to imprisoning the innocent?"

"Innocent, she says. As soon as you showed up, someone stepped forward to give us some dirt on you."

Rouge stood up in surprise.


Y/N smirked smugly and walked over and placed a finger on Rouge's chin, making her blush a little.

"A good friend of mine. What was her name? Oh, yeah! Fiona! Remember her, sweetie?"

She let go of her chin as Vector explained with proof from the file.

"Fiona told us how you beat her team in an illegal fighting tournament and how you beat her out of every treasure both ancient and illegal! Working for the president of Station Square might be one thing. But there's plenty of others looking fo you."

Rouge sat down with a pout.

"Fine. I'll fill you in from when I was last here. Deal?"


"Scourge and I escaped via warp ring. It was sent by a madman named Dr. Finitevus. He wanted our help in return for the rescue. We helped him break into Robotnik's Egg Vinyard. It turns out he had a lot of your enemies captured. Half of them were already dead. Dr. Finitevus rescued what was left of the Destructix. Since the master... Mammoth Mogul... had deserted them, they joined us. Finitevus brought us back to a base guarded by some ancient robot called Isaac. He wanted to steal all of Isaac's data, but most of it was corrupt or erroneous. I mean, it was guarding a frozen corpse. Can a robot go insane? Anyway, Finitevus was looking to control dozens of ancient missiles. When I found out he planned on using them, I ruined all of them, he didn't like that. So I stole one of his warp wings and came here see? I can be a good girl."

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