~ Chapter 15: Truth of the Heart ~

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Y/N was in the HQ with Kirby when she saw Fiona standing in front of the HQ. She raised her eyebrow in surprise that she finally showed up. Suddenly, Amy ran out of the HQ with her giant hammer raised up high.


"Whoa!" Fiona yelped in surprise.

Amy slammed her giant hammer in full force as Fiona managed to dodge it.

"We trusted you! Sonic and Y/N trusted you with their friendship!"

"Would you hold on for a second?! What's this all about?"

"Don't play dumb with me!" Amy scowled. "I was out looking for Sonic and found Tails instead. I asked if he knew where Sonic was, maybe if he was with Sally. That's when he told me about you. He told me what Sleuth Dog blackmailed you with. You've been dating Scourge behind our backs!"

Y/N's eyes widen in shock and betrayal while Kirby gasp loudly with big wide eyes and his mouth agape. Amy took another swing at Fiona as she ducked from it.

"It's not like I was really friends with you guys anyway. Except for Y/N."

"You admit it?!"

"Admit what? I didn't admit anything."

Amy took another swing and Fiona jumped up and landed on her hammer.

"Why can't you just tell the truth? Tell Y/N the truth!"

"'The truth' gets you hurt or worse, little girl. But even if you got all of Knothole to testify against me, Sonic and Y/N would never believe you."

Y/N sighed, hearing enough as she lean against the doorframe with Kirby on her shoulder.

"That's not saying much. I take everything Amy says with a shaker of salt."

Fiona and Amy stopped fighting as they were surprised to see Y/N and Kirby. Sonic was behind Y/N, but decided to let Y/N do the talk since she's close with Fiona. Amy ran over to her as Fiona got off of the hammer.

"Y/N! I need to tell you that... well, it was Tails who said, but he heard from Sleuth, and you heard from Scourge...!"

"Don't worry, Amy. Take a deep breath and calm down. I've been meaning to talk to Fiona, anyway. Thanks for looking out for me and my bro."

"S-Sure..." Amy nodded.

Y/N walked over to Fiona who stood there in silence while Kirby said nothing but stare at her.

"Let's take a walk in private."


Y/N and Fiona begin to walk in the Great Forest.

"Are you going to interrogate me, too?"

"No... I just want to know. You've been disappearing a lot lately. Why didn't you tell me where you are and would have straight up help you? But after hearing you dating Scourge behind our backs, I'm very disappointed in you. Not only as a person but as a friend. I thought you're done with your past mistakes."

"I... I don't think I am. At least, you're cool with my past."

"Kirby told me you took me back to my treehouse. I still trust you, Fiona. Why are you doing this now? What's stopping you from doing something right?"

Fiona sighed, looking away.

"You wouldn't understand... Heck, you don't even know my feelings yet."

Y/N raised her eyebrow in confusion.

"What don't I understand? All I know is that you have helped us for much for us. I remember when you stop Bean and Bark on my brother's birthday, gave up everything you know about Rouge, and you always care for my well-being."

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