~ Chapter 26: Otherside ~

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Y/N is all ready and packed up as she, Sonic, and Amy are going into the multiverse Moebius. Though, she couldn't help but think about Scourge and the first time she get to see him cry. Her thoughts was cut off by Sonic and turned to see him uncomfortable with Amy grabbing his arm with a lovable expression.

"Are you-- um-- ready, Amy?"

"I'll be with you, Sonic! I'll be ready for anything!"

Sonic whispered to Sally.

"I thought this was a solo mission with me and my sis."

"You'll need back-up on a hostile world we know little about. Besides, Amy's been dying for more time with you." Sally smiled slyly.

"You're cruel."

Y/N snickered, making him glare at her.

"How are the secondary star posts looking, boys?" Sally asked Rotor and Tails who're building the portal.

"I think we're done, princess."

"All set to head to Moebius!"

"Just a heads-up— We don't know where on Moebius the portal will drop you, so be careful."

"Lovely. Thanks for that, Rotor, on that note, here we..."

Sonic, Y/N, and Amy jumped through the portal to the hallway surprisingly.


"Whoa. Fancy." Y/N commented, looking around.

"You know, the way Rotor put it, I was expecting something more... perilous."

"For an evil alternate dimension, it's really nice looking." Amy said, looking at the portrait.

"Don't let your guard down though. Who knows who's out there to—"

"Hold it right there!"

"Now that's more like it!" Sonic grinned.

The trio hedgehogs dodged the punch from the blue E-123 Omega.

"Ain't nobody gettin' a drop on the doctor!"

Amy knocked the robot with her hammer along with Y/N slicing the back of the robot with her katana as Sonic spin dashed the robot in the face.

"Want to be this hunk of junk means Anti-Robotnik is here?"

"Yep! It's about time he built a 'bot."

"You ain't layin' a hand on him!"

Anti-E-123 Omega spray out green stuff on Amy's and Y/N's legs and it went frozen as they're stuck. Then the robot floated Sonic in the air as he look dizzy.

"And you can just sit a spell!"

"Whooga... Not cool..."

Jus then, Dr. Ivo Kintobor runs in.

"No, Buns! Stop! They aren't enemies!"

The robot lets go of Sonic.

"You sure, Doc?"

"Positive. This is Sonic the Hedgehog from the Prime Zone." he said, helping Sonic up.

The robot punched the green stuff to free Amy and Y/N.

"Oh. Sorry 'bout that. Can't see colors too well in this thing. That riot foam firms up pretty nice, didn't it?"

"Thanks for the save, Doc. Your versions of us are making trouble back home. We came to see if we could find something here that could stop their invasion." Sonic said.

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