~ Chapter 16: Round Up ~

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In the Lake of Rings, Y/N and Kirby were standing with Sonic and Amy as they watch Antoine took Bunnie's hand and got down in one knee in front of her and held out a small black box with a golden ring in it.

"Bunnie Rabbot, will you do me ze great honor of becomink my wife?"

Bunnie placed her hand on her mouth, completely shocked and happy.

"Oh, Antoine! Ah-ah-ah will!"

Antoine smiled and placed the ring on her finger and pulled her in a kiss. Y/N and Kirby jumped up in happiness.



"Whoa! Go, 'Twan!" Sonic cheered.

"Ohmygosh!" Amy squealed. "Does this give you any ideas, Sonic?"

"Not a one, Amy. But it's a nice break from he drama of earlier today."

Y/N looked down a little.


Sonic and Y/N went up to the now engaged couple.

"Man-o-man... We've been Freedom Fighters and friends forever. I never thought I'd see you two get hitched!"

"Congratulations, you two! I'm so proud of you!"

"You ain't the only one full of surprises, Sugar-Hog! And thank you, Y/N!"

Sonic takes Antoine's hand and shakes it.

"You really needed me, sis, and Amy to back you up on this...?"

"Some t'ings I am still not so brave on."

"How long did it take you to muster up this much courage?"


Amy takes Bunnie's hands and bounces up and down full of excitement. Y/N wraps her arm around Bunnie's shoulder with a smile on her face with Kirby on Bunnie's head.

"This is so exciting! We need to get you a dress, and everyone else will dress nice, and ohmygosh, we're going to be so girl!"

"Calm down, Amy. This is just the beginning of their marriage."

"She's right, Amy. Sugar-Twan just proposed!" Bunnie chuckled.

She went back to Antoine and gave him another kiss as they grab each other's hand. Amy ran up to Sonic and took his hand, making him deadpan. Y/N wondered and who will she end up with because little did she know, there are others out there who had complete interest in her. Kirby just smile up at the engaged couple and hoped to find someone one day.

"But we will not be waiting long, non?" Antoine asked.

"Of course not! Now, where's Sally? Mah best friend needs to know that ah'm getting married!"

"Well, let's not waste time and let's go!" Y/N said, already taking off with Kirby to tell Sally the news as the others follow after her.

They all made it their way back to Freedom HQ just to see Sally and Rotor on the video call with Knuckles on screen as they walk inside as Sally says.

"The Freedom Fighters owe you this one."


After Bunnie and Antoine told Sally the news that they're getting married, Sally sent them on a mission that Knuckles told her a rumor that Rouge had stolen the Master Emerald from Angel Island and was selling it to the highest bidder. Y/N was shocked that she could do such a thing and was going to get into the bottom of this. They are now at Marshlands that night as they went in separate group. Sonic and Antoine and Y/N, Sally, and Bunnie. Kirby had to stay home.

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