~ Chapter 29: Phoenix-Down ~

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Sonic and Y/N are running and skating besides each other, dodging the incoming fire along with Bunnie, Sally, and Rotor who are in the jeep.

"Welcome back to field action, Rotor! Having fun yet?"

"Stop here!" Sally ordered as Rotor stopped the jeep. "Sonic! Y/N! Amy! Antoine! Clear the immediate area!"

Y/N knocked their guns away and whipped the Dark Legions on the butt at the same time. They yelp in pain, holding their butt and ran off not wanting to get hit again. Y/N kept hitting them by the butt until they were gone.

"Bunnie! Y/N! Give us some cover!"

Bunnie brought out her barrier while Y/N brought out her pink shield to block off the lasers that are being fired towards them. 

"Good as done, Sal!" Bunnie said.

Lien-Da watched on in her hovercraft she was riding.

"Why did they stop their advance? They were making such headway... Unless... Unless we actually stopped them! We broke their momentum!"

Y/N rolled her eyes at that.

"The blue hedgehog is making faces at us, ma'am." Dark Legion member pointed out.

"This is it! The tide finally turns in our favor! We can do it! This day is ours!"

"Fools! You've all just underestimated us, loser!" Y/N grinned, making Lien-Da confused.

That's when the Chaotix came and they destroyed hovercrafts and other mechanicals.

"She's right. You just got flanked." Knuckles said.

"Blasted Chaotix!" Lien-Da cursed. "Rear guard! Advance to support the East Flank!"

Sonic and Y/N destroyed her hovercraft by spin dashing.


"Whoops! You forgot about us!"

Lien-Da pulled out her whip as soon as they landed on the ground. Y/N pulled out her whip as well ready for the whip-to-whip dual.

"I won't be embarrassed by a base Mobian like you!" Lien-Da glared at the hedgehog siblings.

"We'll see about that!" Y/N glared back.

"Yow! Careful with that!" Sonic yelped.

Before Lien-Da could land a hit, Antoine came and cut the whip with his sword.

"Allying with ze Eggman, then such vile remarks? Have you no honor?"

"You really have left yourself with nothing." Y/N shook her head in disappointment.

"Don't you dare judge me!"

Lien-Da ran back to her Dark Egg Legion.

"Pull back to the perimeter! Call for some blasted support!"

The Dark Egg Legion ran away. Charmy flew down to Sally.

"The Dark Egg Legion is in the retreat, princess!"

"Thank you, Charmy. Spread the word to regroup."

Sally brought out her handheld computer.

"Reporting in, Sally! I'm done ahead of schedule!" Tails said on the screen of the computer.

"Good work, Tails. Meet up with us. It's time to finish this."

Soon, they are all standing on a cliff, looking over the Dark Egg Legion with their weapons ready.

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