~ Chapter 23: A Bold New Mobius ~

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Y/N, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Mighty, and Mina are all sitting in a crisscross position in a circle around a green flaming candle as Merlin performed the spell with green smoke filling up the room.

"Monstaris Exsecratibus Me!"

A green light brightened up the room, causing them to cover their eyes. It then died down.

"Merlin? Does this mean...?" Y/N asked.

"Yes, Y/N. The curses laid upon all of your friends is no more."

"Thank you, Mr. Prower. It's a load off my mind." Knuckles said.

"But not mine. I was never cursed. It was a nice light show, but why include me?" Sonic asked.

"The hex Dr. Finitevus placed on the Master Emerald was an incredibly powerful one. You should not have been able to draw power from the gem. I wanted to be sure there were no ill effects on you."

"Good common sense." Y/N said.

"Okay, now it's a load off my mind. But how did I turn into Super Sonic if its power was 'locked?'"

"That, I'm afraid, is a mystery. Which brings me back to my next order of business." Merlin said, packing up his things.

"Right. You sure you'll be okay on your own?" Tails asked, handing him his staff.

"I'm sure. I have friends in high places."

"Why can't you do your meditations here? Nicole could build you whatever you need..."

"I'm sure she could, but if I am to come closer to the Chaos Force, I must do so by my own means."

Tails hugged his uncle.

"I'll miss you!"

Merlin hugged back.

"And I you. My precious nephew. Give my love to your parents. I truly cannot afford to tarry any longer."

With that, Merlin left with a wave.

"You gonna be okay, Tails?" Y/N asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Tails wiped his tears away.

"Y-Yeah. I think I need to work on something."


"Give me a shout if you need me and sis, okay?" Sonic said. "I'll be with Sally. She said she wanted to see me."

"I bet it's to kiss you, bro." Y/N smirked.

Sonic rolled his eyes playfully and shoved her away, causing her to chuckle.

"Shut up, sis."


Y/N was taking a walk alone almost far away from her home as she had speed up with her rocket roller skates to go a little faster. She stopped to see the old bar and quietly snuck in and looked through the window. She was shocked to see the Destructix, Bounty Hunters, and worst, Mogul.

"What are you up to now?" Y/N whispered and brought out her communicator with a record as it blinked red and held it up where they won't see it.

"Good morning, gentlemen. Shall we get down to business?" Mogul greeted.

"I'm not sure the Destructix are for hire for you, Mogul. You would have let Dr. Eggman destroy us, and now word is you're going soft." Sleuth said.

"'Soft,' you say?"

"You get your Chaos Emerald back, and what do you do? You let Sonic go, and you free these jokers. What would you call that?"

"A cautious investment. Do not play the wounded heart with me, Sleuth. You and your cadre are in it for the money. Your being here is proof enough. And your mutual vendetta with Sonic is something I wish to endorse."

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