~ Chapter 20: Desperate Times ~

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Y/N couldn't believe it. She doesn't want to but everything is real and she wished it was a dream. Knuckles/Enerjak look over them with a smile.

"My dear friends of New Mobotropolis! I come to you as Enerjak, a living God to show you all how to live in the better tomorrow! A tomorrow free of pain and suffering! A tomorrow free of technology! A tomorrow built by my unmatched power!"

"Knuckles..." Y/N whispered in sadness.

"Knuckles, stop this!" Sally demanded, pointing at him. "'Unmatched power' brought devastation to Angel Island!"

"I know your relationship with technology has been poor, but it can bring great things! It has given me a chance at life!" Nicole added.

Y/N approaches Knuckles with tears in her eyes.

"Knuckles, you know power would only bring pain and suffer. You're not Enerjak. Please... stop this before it gets worse. Come back to us. Come back to me..."

Knuckles/Enerjak had a disgusted look and placed his helmet back on.

"I am very disappointed in all of you. I will show you I am right by example if I must."

Knuckles/Enerjak surrounded Y/N in green glow as she floats in the air.

"Knuckles! What are you-?!"

He pulled her towards him.

"I will make you the most powerful one where we can fix the world together. I've seen what you're capable of! You can't deny it!"

"Knuckles... don't...!"

"Then you will see that I-ERHN!"

Sonic dropped in and bounced off Enerjak from the head in spin dash and carried Y/N away in bridal style.

"Whatever you were villainously monologging about forget it, Enerjerk!"

Sonic passed Y/N to Mighty as he carried her in bridal style. Y/N couldn't move as she was still sad.

"Sorry I'm late. Heard from Knuckles?"

"N-yes, but..." Sally started.

"Cool. Any back-up coming?"

"Yes, but-!"

"Cool. All that's left-"

Y/N snapped out of her sadness and exclaimed.

"Wait! Sonic! That's-"

"-is to take care of this Enerjoke!"

Sonic spin dash at Knuckles/Enerjak when he blocked it with his fists.


"Your speed was never enough to trump my raw power!"

Suddenly, a familiar hedgehog teleported into the fight and punched Knuckles/Enerjak in the face.


"Shadow!" Y/N exclaimed in surprise.

Shadow gave her a quick smile and turned to Knuckles/Enerjak.

"Then he will need my power as well. Shadow, Agent of G.U.N., reporting as requested."

"Nice entrance, Faker. All I got out of him was an 'ERHN.'" Sonic gave him thumbs up. "Now let's squish this Energerm-"

Then, the blast of Chaos Energy punched Shadow away as he crash into the library.

"Whoa! Hey!" Sonic exclaimed.

"Shadow!" Y/N gasped as Mighty let her down.

Knuckles/Enerjak wrapped Sonic up in Chaos rope energy as he lifted him up.

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