~ Chapter 55: Babylon Rising Pt. 2 ~

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Y/N groaned and slowly opened her eyes to find herself hanging with her arms chained up above her head. She looked around to see some piles of gold and jewels around the room and tried to move, but those chains gave her a good grip on her as they hurt her wrists a little. Y/N struggled to move as she tried to move her legs up to at least flip herself over, but it was no use. The door then opened to reveal Jet who's looking down with deep regret.

"Hey, Y/N. How are you holding up?" he asked with a hint of joke.

"Doing fine I guess." she said, giggling a little.

"I'm sorry that this is happening to you and your home. You don't deserve it."

"It's okay. I'll find a way to get out of this."

"Well, I just wanted to let you know that before Battle Lord finds me your friends are already evacuating so they should be fine."

Y/N sighed in relief.

"Thank you, Jet."

"Oh, and you might need this."

He threw something towards her and she caught it with her hand that are still bind up. Y/N looked up to see a sharpened coin.

"Just... be safe."

He then walked out of the room and closed the door, leaving her alone once again. She smiled, knowing he cares and beginning to scrape the coin against the metal chains that held her above. Suddenly, she heard Battle Lord's voice all over the room.

"Hear me, my troops! My chance of fate... the Babylon Garden which we have sought since the immemorial is buried deep beneath the home of our despised enemies in one fell swoop we shall deal out vengeance and take hold of our destiny! Let the operations coo-coo-commence!"

"Oh no..."

Y/N paled at the thought of her home and her friends being gone and kept on scraping and scraping the chains as they slowly began to break loose. After minutes of scraping the chains, they finally broke as she fell against the coins with a loud thud.

"Ow! These coins!!"

She kicked them away and checked herself to see her weapons are still there with her along with the important one which is her ruby necklace and the Nephrite that's in her pocket the whole time. She then grabbed the Extreme Gear that was next to her with the rest of the gold.

"Good... You're safe."

Y/N then quietly opened the door to find no one and began rocket skating out of the room in the blink of an eye as she studied the room she was in until she found an exit. She made it out of the open but her eyes widened as the Castle of Acorn has been destroyed by the giant blast from the ship.


Once the blaster died down, it reveal a big hole. Y/N couldn't believe that the one she called home has been destroyed. She looked down to see the three familiar green, pink, and yellow zoom as they fly down into the hole along with Sonic as he spin dashed them while going down. Y/N brought out her Extreme Gear and placed her helmet on and landed on the board, giving it a boost and zoomed down after them. She made it down on time to see Sonic fighting off the Babylon Rogues and he doesn't look very happy.

"As long as you get what you want, it's all cool, right?" Sonic asked.

"Right! I'm glad you see it my way!" Jet smirked.

"Dude, you so totally don't get sarcasm!"

He spin dashed him straight in the stomach and held him by the fur collar.

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