~ Chapter 33: Heavy Is The Head ~

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Y/N sighed as she's walking down the path of the road still feeling bummed about Espio's betrayal with Kirby sitting on her shoulder. Then, she heard yells and a sound of rocks being dropped. She ran over to see the kids, Rory, Snaggle, and Sasha throwing rocks at Khan.

"What are you still doing around here?"

"Nobody likes you! Leave already!"

Y/N ran over to them and swiftly took the rocks from the kids and threw them away.

"Hey! Knock it off! What's with you kids?!"

Sonic came not too long as he heard a commotion also.

"Yo! What's all this about?"

"There's no need to say such things to our guests, especially throwing rocks at people. That's bad and dangerous! Do you want that to happen to you too?" Y/N scolded them with a glare.

"Pooteetah." Kirby agreed.

"But he came here yelling mean things about Sonic!" Rory said.

"Yeah, well, you've got to let that slide. They're just words, and..." Sonic started, but was cut off by Sasha.

"But he ruined Miss Mina's concert with his lightning!"

"Okay, granted, but you can't just attack him!"

Snaggle cut him off.

"But you did! You spin-dashed at him lots!"

This left Sonic speechless as he had no words to say while looking away.


"Still violence never solves a problem! Plus, Sonic just didn't even think about the consequences as always! So you should..."

Khan placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder before she could say more.

"It's okay, Y/N. Really. You and Sonic don't need to defend me."

He kneeled down to the kids.

"I've already apologized to Miss Mongoose and her band. I'm sorry I ruined the concert for you as well."

Then, he stood up and walked away.

"That was... way too calm for him. Something's up."

Y/N turned to see the kids sticking tongue at Khan's leave and gave them the deadliest glare, causing them to flinch in fright.

"I'm telling Rosie about the rock-throwing. She's raised you three better than that. Think about what you have done. And Sonic, I'll talk to him. You'll only make things worse and he does not like you."


Y/N gave him the same glare she did to the kids. Sonic sighed in defeat, knowing he can't argue with her.


Y/N nodded and ran after Khan with Kirby on her shoulder still.

"Hey, Khan? You doing alright?"

"...No. I'm working on the temper right now."

"I understand. So, you're a king, huh? Sounds good."

"I don't think it is... And I'm no king. I wasn't even nobility when Robotnik stole everything from me."

"Khan. Don't say that."

Khan turned to her.

"But it's true! I wake up and find my homeland is being torn apart. The Four Houses Warrings over every stinking hill..."

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