~ Chapter 12: Order from Chaos ~

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Y/N was reading a book with Kirby reading a comic when Sonic came in with a not so happy look.

"Tommy! You can't just borrow my guitar and then jet, dude. Where is he?"

"Haven't seen him." Y/N said, looking up from her book.

"I don't know. Hopefully, far from here." Rotor said as he looks grumpy along with Tails.

"I've got first dibs. He 'helped' me with my latest project. See?"

Tails showed them a damaged mechanics.

"And he washed the 'dirty' Petri dishes, which destroyed any nanite research I had going on."

"Ever since he got that does of nanites in his hell, Tommy's been acting up." Sonic said.

"As if he wasn't constantly in trouble anyway."

"Yeah, but the dude saved my life. He can't be all bad."

"No, not all bad." Tails corrected, tossing away his project.

"But don't you guys think it's odd for Tommy to act that way? Surely, there's some explanation to his behavior." Y/N said, feeling like something's wrong with Tommy.

Before they could say anything, the alarm went off. They all turned to one of the monitors.

"Nicole?! What's wrong?" Sonic asked in concern.

"Nanite *KZZT!* Infection *KZZT!* Attempting *KZZT!* To purge *KZZT!*"


"Fight, Nicole!"

"You can do it!"

"You can whip those nanites any old--"

Sonic was cut off to see a robotic fist punch through the screen as it revealed Bunnie who walked in looking like she's struggling to control herself.


"Nicole! Ah'm so sorry!"

"Bunnie? What's wro—"

Y/N was cut off by Bunnie punching her in the face, causing her to slam against Tails as they were sent flying towards the other room. Y/N groaned in pain, rubbing her face and looked down to see Tails dizzy.

"Oh my! Sorry, Tails!"

Y/N got up and was about to help him when she saw a shadow loom over her.

Back to the lab room

"Pooteetah!!" Kirby exclaimed for Y/N.

"Y/N, Tails, no! Knuckles! Mighty! Somebody! Get in here an' stop me!!!" Bunnie cried out.

Knuckles, Mighty, and Vector quickly ran into the room and restrain Bunnie.

"Sorry to be rough, Bunnie!" Vector apologized.

"Just stop me!!!"

Rotor ran over with the screwdriver and started unscrewing Bunnie's left arm and legs.

"It's probably the nanites! I'm going to disengage your limbs until you're cured."

"That's fine. Just keep me from hurtin' anyone or anything else!"

Bunnie's limbs stopped moving as she sat up, crying.

"Don't worry, Bunnie. Tails and I will get you and Nicole disinfected and repaired in no time!"

"Ah know. *sniff* But how did we get infected in the first place?"

"And while we're at it, where are sis and Tails?"

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