~ Chapter 76: Shattered Pt. 3 ~

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Y/N and the others quickly dodged another attack from controlled Omega as they backed away.

"You just had to lead that thing back here!" Knuckles exclaimed.

"We came to rescue you! How are we supposed to know?!" Y/N sassed.

"Yeah, well, I was coming to rescue you!"

"Well, bro, we beat you to it." Kneecaps pointed out.

"Where is Naugus, anyway? I want to beat him up." Y/N asked.

"Down there. He's sealed himself in with the Master Emerald shards. His crystal barricade is too strong. I'll need help breaking it down--"

Knuckles was cut off by controlled Omega slamming his clawed hands at them as they quickly dodged him and he smashed the ground into pieces.

"--But I guess we've got to handle this guy first!"


"Chaos Spear!" Shadow shouted, throwing his spear right on controlled Omega's shoulder.

Knuckles deadpanned at his attack.

"Or that!" Kneecaps sweatdropped.

Controlled Omega froze again as Knuckles slowly approach him.

"Are you sure this is your robot buddy?"

"I didn't want to think so, but now that I've got a clear look at him? Yeah--it's him." Rouge said.

"Well, we need to figure out a way to get him back to normal. We can't get through to Naugus without his firepower."

Y/N's watch started beeping, making her eyes go wide.

"Really?! Now?!"

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Rouge asked.

"It's Sally! It must be something important. But I can't just reply to her right now!"

"I'm amazed you're getting any signal down here."

"Stop joking around. I'll go ahead and eliminate Naugus. My Chaos Spear should hold Omega until--"

Shadow was cut off by controlled Omega punching him straight in the cheek, causing him to go flying.

"...It wore off early...?" Shadow muttered in shock.

"Hurry and see what the princess wants! We'll keep him off you!" Knuckles shouted.

"Ugh! Fine! I'll be quick!" Y/N groaned and ran to the corner to avoid the scene as everyone did their best to fight back against controlled Omega with all of their might.

"Y/N? Can you hear me?" Sally called.

"Yeah. Um... kinda busy right now. I'm in a middle of a fight!"

"What fight? What was that noise?"

Sally referred to laser blast coming from controlled Omega as he aim it towards Rouge, who ducked from that.

"Long story--sorry, can you please make this quick?"

"Eggman ambushed us--on multiple fronts. We're about to launch a counterattack. If we win, the world is going to be restored earlier than planned."

Y/N's eyes widened in shock.

"Oh, crud!"

She looked over her shoulder to see Knuckles beaten down with Shadow, Rouge, and Kneecaps still fighting against controlled Omega as the robot caught Shadow who's spin dashing.

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