🦌 Christmas 2021 Special Pt. 6: How the Eclipse Stole Christmas 🎅

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(This is what everyone looks like in their Christmas outfits.)

Outside in the snow, Eclipse walks through the path and notices Sonic and Tails hiding behind the snow fort they made earlier

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Outside in the snow, Eclipse walks through the path and notices Sonic and Tails hiding behind the snow fort they made earlier.

"Hey, Tails. Here we comes. Get a snowball ready." Sonic said as Tails got to work.

"Not this again." Eclipse groaned and walked away.

Knuckles comes out of the house to take a walk when a snowball hits him straight in the head, causing him to fall unconscious. Sonic and Tails laughed hysterically at the hilarious beat he took.

"Nice shot, Tails. You got him."

"Yeah, I did!"

Eclipse keeps walking away when he saw Y/N and Shadow by the tree.

"Oh, and by the way, if you don't have any plans for Christmas Day, you're more than welcome to stop by my place or I can come over to yours, whichever works."

"Thanks. I'll consider it now and let you know."

"Great. See you then."

Shadow then walked away, leaving her to stare where he had gone.

"Hmph! Like anyone would ever invite me to a party like that." Eclipse scoffed, looking down and continuing on his walk.

As he walk past by, Y/N noticed him.

"Hmm? Was that Eclipse? Hey, Eclipse! Where—?"

She stopped to see him already gone.

"I... was going to ask him if he's coming over..."

Eclipse then made it back to his house and went inside. The Dark Arms saw his return and greeted him.

"Hey, guys. Hmph! Who wants to be around others during the holiday season? It's all too hectic, all work for no reason, especially Christmas. The worst day of the year. Why the entire neighborhood will be festive with cheer? Ugh! I just hate Christmas! The whole Christmas season! Don't you ask me why. I ain't got a reason."

The Dark Arms stare at him for a moment when they didn't noticed the bright light coming nearby and the cheery voice spoke.

"Is it because your shoes are all tight? Wait, you don't have any! Hehe! Or maybe your head isn't screwed on just right?"

"W-What was that?!" Eclipse exclaimed, looking around.

"Whee! I got a hunch. The biggest reason of all is 'cause your heart is two sizes, too small! Oh, boy! That rhymes! Hehehe!"

He and the Dark Arms turned to reveal a pink pony.

"What are you?!"

"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! The dashiest, funniest pony of all times! Now let's get to business! Serious business!" Pinkie exclaimed, looking around for something.

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