~ Chapter 2: Return to Angel Island ~

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In the throne room, Sonic, Y/N, and Sally kneel down to King Max aka Sally's father. He does not look happy.

"Princess Sally, how could you be so reckless as to disobey my direct order and go on a secret mission to Megapolis?!"

"Mind your blood pressure, Maximillian..." Queen Alicia said, grabbing his arm softly.

"Uhh,.. Would you believe it was all my idea, King Max? That I... er... kidnapped her?" Sonic nervously said with a sweat drop.


King Max turned to his daughter.

"How can you be trusted to rule an entire city while Queen Alicia and I are away if you insist on taking such risks?"

Sally grabbed her arm, looking away.

"I'm sorry... your highness."

"Your highness, please don't get mad at Sally. It was mine and Sonic's idea to bring her into this mission." Y/N said, making him turn to her. "But if it weren't for her, Tommy would've been dead by now. How can we just stay here and do nothing when you know we have to take action with or without your order?"

"I understand that, but I'm doing this to protect my daughter."

"Would you do the same if you were told to stay put after hearing your daughter in danger and kidnapped?" Y/N narrowed her eyes.

"Why, uh... yes, I would do whatever it takes to get her back."

"Then, there's nothing wrong with going on a mission to save Tommy. We can handle this. Your daughter is old enough to make her own decision. You weren't even there when it happened and please forgive my rudeness, your highness."

King Max was speechless as he couldn't utter a word and sighed. Queen Alicia, Sonic, and Sally were surprised that Y/N has the authority to put him in his place and knowing what's right and wrong. She would've become a queen by now, but that's not what she was meant to be.

"You're right... But her punishment will not get avoided."

"Then, at least, give her a week?" Y/N asked.

"Fine. One week. I better not hear you disobey my order again. Understood, Sally?"

"Yes, father. It won't happen again." Sally smiled.

"You're all dismissed."

Sonic, Y/N, and Sally walk out of the throne room.

"Wow, I guess your dad can be persuaded." Sonic commented.

"I did my best."

"You don't have to do that, Y/N. I would've handle myself." Sally said, smiling at her.

"Well, you can't stop me. I'm doing this because I care and you're my best friend."

"Hey! What about me? I'm your big brother best friend, too!"

"You too, bro!"

The trio chuckled along the way.


At noon, in Fredrick's airbase, King Max, Queen Alicia, and Uncle Chuck are ready to leave as the plane is ready for them to take off. Sally hugged her mom goodbye along with Sonic, Y/N, Tails, Bernie, and Jules hugging Uncle Chuck goodbye.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the press, thank you for coming out to bid Queen Alicia and I farewell on our extended tour of Mobius. Sir Charles Hedgehog will accompany us as science advisor and Lieutenant Antoine D'Coulette will command our elite guard."

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