~ Chapter 3: Return to Angel Island Pt. 2 ~

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Knuckles lifted the baby up in the air with one hand in shock.

"He's my baby what?!"

"He's your baby brother, Knuckles! I was pregnant the last time you saw me." Lara-Le explained.

"Wow! Congrats!!" Y/N smiled in joy.

"I guess time really flies when you're fighting a war, mom! So, what do you and Wynmacher call the little rug rat, anyways?"

"His name is Kneecapeon Mace... but we call him 'Kneecaps' for short!"

The baby who's name is Kneecaps made a face saying he hates that name.

"Kneecaps the Echidna?!" Knuckles exclaimed. "Mom, that's got to be the worst name I've ever heard for a kid!"

Everyone except for Y/N began to laugh hysterically. Knuckles turned to them with a glare and his body is on fire.

"Is something funny?!"

They immediately stopped laughing and whistled innocently. Y/N frowned at her friends and Knuckles and turned to Lara-Le.

"I like it. It actually suits him. Kneecaps sound cool."

"What?" Knuckles raised his eyebrow.

"Really?" Lara-Le asked.

"Ga?" Kneecaps questioned.

"Yeah, he can use his knees to kneed the enemies off. Like this!"

Y/N demonstrated by kneeing Sonic in the belly, causing him to squeal and kneel down holding his belly in pain.

"Sis...! W-Why?..."

Kneecaps giggled and raised his arms towards Y/N.

"Thanks, Y/N. And looks like Kneecaps likes you."

"Can I hold him?"


Y/N carefully grabbed Kneecaps and he giggled up at her, pulling down one of her quills. She playfully grabbed his tiny hand and gave him a no-no gesture, booping his nose. Knuckles feels a little jealous that his stepbrother is getting attention from his crush.

"He sure is cute."

"He's quite a charm." Lara-Le agreed.

Kneecaps looked over at Knuckles and raised his hands towards him.

"Oh? You want your big brother to carry you?" Y/N asked.

"He seems to have taken a shine to you, Knuckles!" Lara-Le smiled.

"You don't really expect me to..."

Y/N place Kneecaps on Knuckles' head. He had a look of deadpan as the baby pulled his red quill up and put it in his mouth, chewing it. Lara-Le and Y/N walked away with a smile.

"Quite a shine!!"

Once the girls looked away, Kneecaps hit Knuckles on the head with his spin rattle again. Knuckles held him up to make him stop hitting him.

"He's going to give me brain damage!"


"The free echidnas pitched these tents so you and your friends would have a place to sleep for the night." Lara-Le explained.

"Way past cool!" Sonic said.

"Yeah, but did they do it out of plain old hospitality... or because they believe I'm this avatar here to fulfill some ancient echidna prophecy!"

Knuckles passed his stepbrother back to Lara-Le.

"Why should it matter, son?"

"I... dunno, mom. I need some time alone to think about all this..." he said and walked away.

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