~ Chapter 59: At All Costs ~

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Y/N groaned from the sudden pain on her head as she got up and found herself surrounded by the running citizens that ran past her.

"What the? What's going on?"


She looked down to see Kirby and picked him up.

"You okay?"

He nodded and pointed at something to the ground and she looked down and gasped to see Nephrite and next to it is the jewelry box where all her stuffs are. Y/N quickly grabs them and places them in her backpack that was somehow with her out of nowhere. She looked at herself to see she's still in her same new outfit and her weapons and her ruby necklace are with her.

"What happened here? The last thing I remember was babysitting Kneecaps with Knuckles and then we were fighting against those robot version of ourselves and..."

She noticed that she was wet from the rain that's pouring down on her and turned and gasped to see the broken monster robot. Y/N then noticed that Sonic is here and ran over to him.

"Sonic! What happened? Where are we? Why are we here?"

Sonic turned to her in surprise.

"You remember? How?"

"I don't know how, but I have a feeling this is not like our home right now."

"Yeah. I can tell."

Suddenly, Tails flies down to them.

"Sonic! Y/N! You two took a nasty hit! Are you guys okay?"

"We're back in the city outside and there's a monster-thing. Why?!" Sonic questioned.

"When did this happen? I clearly don't remember having a fight with that thing." Y/N added.

Tails looked at them with concern and held up his three fingers.

"You two got hit bad. How many fingers am I holding up? Can you remember my name?"

"Three, Tails and we're fine. It's the rest of the world that stopped making sense!" Sonic said.

"Yeah, Tails. It's... confusing." Y/N said.

"Pooteetah." Kirby agreed.

"Uh-huh. If you two're up to it, let's get back to saving the city."

"Sure, I mean-- Hold on a second! Where's Sally and Silver?"

"Sally is on the mission on her own. We came here to follow-up on Nicole and save King Acorn. This thing was already attacking when we arrived! We haven't seen Silver since we rescued the wisps." Tails said, flying towards the Castle Acorn.

Sonic and Y/N zoomed after him with Kirby on her shoulder.

"I... but... What?! Rewind a second! If we're back in the city and here to save the king, who's involved?"

"I don't know, bro. But we'll find out as soon as we save King Acorn."

"You're right..."

Just as they made it to the castle, the crash of the glass window was heard and they skid to a stop to see Naugus jumping off the window and running past them with... fear. Odd.

"No! I must drive the visions out! Must escape! MUST ESCAPE! Let the quicksters have this place! AHHH!"

With that, Naugus is gone.

"Well... that gets Naugus out of the castle. Or should we..."

"One thing at a time! Monster--Now. Crazy fleeing wizard--Later."

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