~ Prologue ~

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Y/N looks over the beautiful view of Mobius, breathing in and out to take in the smell of nature. Her life couldn't have been more awesome and interesting. Everything she had went through with her brother and her friends, she was happy to be there as she knows her purpose and why she was here. She has so many memories she would love to tell someone a story maybe to her own children one day. If... they ever get Eggman to stop trying to conquer the world as usual. He never gives up and she wishes for some peace and break from all of this. Eggman will never yield or admit his defeat. Just then, she got a call from her earpiece and she answered it.

"Sup, Sally. Y/N here. What's going on?"

"We've got a problem. It's an emergency and we need you right away."

"On my way."

Y/N looks over at the view one more time before she brought out her earbuds and attached them to her ears and play the music from the tape recorder that she was gifted by Hikaru attached to the earbuds with a disk inside titled "Kim Possible". (Play the music on top)

She rocket roller skate down the hill passing through those cute Chaos to the Great Forest. She jumped up and landed on the branch, flipping over to the next one. She grab onto the vine and swung herself to over as she took the bow and arrow she found in the tree as she kept on jumping and swinging over to the next branch of each tree. Once she's high up in the air after jumping onto the big mushroom, she brought out her bow and arrow and shot the arrow. The arrow went past the trees until it hit the target which is the red apple as it was about to fall.

Y/N threw out the bow and arrow away as it landed on the tree branch. She quickly brought out her whip and caught the apple in no time as it was brought back to her. Y/N began to eat the apple as she jump and zoom all around the forest to get to the place she needs to be on time on. As she eat her apple, she looked down at her amulet that belongs to Cosmo and smiled in rememberance of her. Cosmo had sacrificed herself to save everyone as well as Y/N she fell in love with. To be honest, she actually started to fall in love with Cosmo since then, and now she's gone. But Cosmo want her to move on and have a happy life she deserve and she will keep that promise.

Her eyes set ahead on the familiar view of Knothole and quickly finished her apple and activate her rocket from her roller skates. Y/N went faster as she quickly zoom around the places, greeting others along the way as well as her parents and her grandpa. She then saw a flag of the acorn where Freedom HQ is as she could see some windows and a door. As she made it, she gave it a secret knock and it opened to reveal Antoine.

"M'lady Y/N! Right on time! Come!" he said, letting her in.

"Thanks, Ant!" she smiled and went inside as the door was closed behind her.

She went downstairs of the underground and found Sonic, Tails, Sally, Bunnie, and Rotor in the meeting. They turned and smiled to see her.

"Sup, sis!"

"Sup, bro!"

"H-Hi, Y/N..." Tails blushed, waving shyly at her.

"Hey, Y/N. We're just about to get started on the mission we are called to do." Sally greeted.

"Great. So what's the sitch? 'Cause I'm ready for anything!" Y/N pumped her fist down.


A/N: That's my prologue folks! But I have a problem. I don't know which number of Comic Issue I should start on the next chapter. Can you guys please help me and suggest which issue is the best to start?

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