~ Chapter 49: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back... ~

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Y/N was having a good sleep when she suddenly heard screams and shouts. This made her immediately get out of her bed, change her clothes into her nice new outfit, and get out of a treehouse to see a giant Death Egg floating down to New Mobotropolis. It was brand new and rebuild.


Kirby who's standing next to her was just as shocked as her.


"Kirby? You stay here where it's safe. And just in case..."

As soon as Kirby head back inside the treehouse, Y/N created a big pink bubble around her treehouse.

"I'll be back for you, Kirby. I promise."

Kirby placed a hand on the bubble.


Y/N kneeled down and placed a hand where his hand is.

"Don't worry. Love you, Kirb."

With that, she zoomed off as she ran through the Great Forest to the city and could see Sonic standing, seeing the Death Egg and noticed Sally, Amy, and Tails running after him as well.

"How did we miss it? The Eggdome wasn't just a bunker. He was rebuilding the Death Egg!"

"Sonic! Sonic! It-It-It's the—" Tails started.

"Yeah. Today just keeps getting better, doesn't it?"

"I think not, bro."

Soon—King Fredrick Airfield, Sally, Sonic, and Y/N are standing on the wings of Tornado with Tails being a pilot.

"Comm-Link established, Sally." Nicole said through her handheld computer.

"Tornado ready for launch. What's your status, Antoine?"

"We are ready for ze launch and everyone is secured."

Then, the Tornado and Sky Patrol took off into the air to the new Death Egg as they got close until it started firing lasers at them. They managed to dodge them.

"Y'know, I'll accept that he's back. But I feel really stupid for not figuring out his plan. I mean, we searched all over that stupid place! Multiple times!" Sonic exclaimed.

"So if that's the North-facing wall... Tails! Bring us around to the back! Aim for anything unusual about twenty degrees down from the top!" Sally said.

"Got it!"

Tails scanned the Death Egg until...

"I think I see something!"

He shot a missile and hit the patch on side, creating an opening.

"How did you know to—?" Y/N asked in surprise.

"I figured he would patch our entry point at the last second to maintain his charade. Sonic, Y/N, and I are going ahead. Have the others do everything they can to draw the attention away from us!"

"Roger that!" Tails gave her thumbs up.

"See you on the other side, Tails." Y/N said, before giving him a kiss on the head.

"You too, Y/N." Tails smiled, blushing a little.

Sonic picked up Sally in bridal style while Y/N got ready for a jump.

"Are you sure you want me to risk this? I don't want to get slapped around again."

"Oh, shut up and kiss me for luck."

Y/N smirked as Sonic and Sally kissed before they jump through the hole. Sonic used his foot to stop them before they crash into the wall with Y/N next to him as she did the same thing.

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