~ Chapter 69: Champions ~

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Today at Sky Patrol, Sonic was telling his friends the stories about how he and his sister met Breezie and how Y/N doesn't trust her much when she found something odd about her being in 'danger'.

"...And that's how we know the 'lovely' madam Breezie."

"Grr... It still makes me mad! She was working with Eggman from the beginning!" Tails disgruntled.

"I know! I've had a suspicion of her ever since we first met and I was right! Still don't like her though." Y/N said with a glare, crossing her arms.

"And why are we just hearing about her now?" Amy pouted in jealousy.

"Relax—This was long ago. Besides, I haven't told everyone all of my adventures. Especially not ones that go: 'Hey guys! Wanna hear about the time I got played for a chump?! Derp!'"

This made Y/N, Bunnie, and Rotor snicker while Antoine smirked deviously.

"I am thinking I would enjoy zose stories."

"Shush! Be nice!" Bunnie smacked his arm playfully.

"Another time, perhaps." Sally said, showing them the hologram of the poster with Breezie in it along with the Casino Park Arena Chaos Emerald Championship. "Breezie's come a long way from being a double agent. She runs the largest entertainment network in the world. Her next publicity stunt is a fighting tournament—with a Chaos Emerald as the prize. Sonic, Y/N, Tails, and Amy will be Team Fighters. I got you spots on the roster."

"Yes!!" Y/N grinned, punching her fist in excitement.

"You can count on us!" Amy saluted with a wink.

"Cool!" Tails cheered.

"Pooteetah..." Kirby pouted in disappointment.

"Don't worry, Kirby. You can still come with me to watch me fight. There's also some sweet treats~"

This made her alien friend popped up with happiness and happily nodded. Antoine, Bunnie, and Rotor were not happy with the news.

"Sal... Ah know we got whupped earlier, but we'd like another shot at a Chaos Emerald, too." Bunnie said.

"I tried to get us all on the roster. But the cut-off for registration already passed, and Breezie would only concede to Sonic, Y/N, Amy, and Tails specifically." Sally frowned with a shrug.

"Isn't Breezie connected to a lot of shady stuff? We're trying to save the world! Why don't we just take the emerald?" Rotor asked.

"Because we don't do that! She's not like Eggman—it'd look like we'd be stealing from her!" Amy exclaimed, slamming her hands down the table.

"She's got a point. If we're going to save the world, we'd have to be more stealth about it." Y/N said, nodding.

"I do enjoy the direct route..." Sonic added.

"Again—saving the world!" Rotor directed.

Sally immediately stopped their argument.

"Amy's right—The world looks to us for hope, now more than ever. If we act like we're above the law, we're only sowing trouble for ourselves later. And Y/N's right that we need to be more stealth. Regardless of whether Breezie is a criminal kingpin or a legitimate business woman, I did offer to buy the emerald off her. She wouldn't sell it."

"Hiring the Chaotix, paying off Breezie... Is your dad cool with using his kingdom's treasury to bankroll us?" Sonic asked with a tease.

This made Sally embarrassed as she fake coughed herself, knowing she made a little lie to her dad. Nicole who's there smirked at her.

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