~ Chapter 37: Journey to the East ~

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In the Stormtop Village -- Dragon Kingdom, Sonic and Y/N kicked and punched off the Spider Ninjas of the Gossamer Clan that are attacking them. Kirby helped by tickling them inside their ninja outfit after he went inside before popping out and gave them a couple punches in the eyes.

"You guys really know how to make a tourist feel welcome!"

"Sonic! Y/N! To the Temple of the Golden Lotus!" Li Yuen -- Village Elder said.

Sonic, Y/N, and Kirby immediately went inside the temple, surpising Li Yuen.


"Sorry, pal. 'Hurry' is too slow for us."

"The temple is meant for welcoming people, but for now it might keep the Gossamer Clan out long enough for us to formulate a plan."


Hours ago, after they landed in the Dragon Kingdom, Li Yuen started giving Sonic, Y/N, Kirby, and Tails a tour like he said earlier.

"...And this is the Temple of the Golden Lotus."




"I'll say! What's the story of this place, Mr. Li?" Tails asked.

"It dates back before recorded time, my young friend. It is said this land was the birthplace of the dragons. They were a young race, and they misused their immense power. They warred with each other horribly for generations. In time they saw the ruination that their fighting brought. Ashamed, they vowed to leave the land in peace and settle throughout the world. Before they departed, the left the prophecy of a time when turmoil would return to divide the land, and the Great Golden Lotus King would bring peace and unity to the Dragon Kingdom."

"Sonic! Y/N! That's--!" Tails gasped.

"No way..."

"Is that... Ken??"

Y/N is right as the golden statue looked like Monkey Khan.


Sonic and Y/N are looking back at the golden monkey statue.

"While we are safe for noe, I am afraid the others have been captured. I apologize I hve been a poor steward." Li Yuen said.

"Don't sweat it, pops. We'll think of a way to make this work."

Y/N immediately elbowed him at the nickname he gave him.

"I envy your confidence, young man."

She and Kirby turned to see two Gossamer Clan ninjas in the window above them.

"Thanks, but the windows were cleaned yesterday. Come back next week, okay?"

One of the ninjas jumped down.

"This is a sacred place! You cannot desecrate it with violence!"

Y/N charged the ninja and slammed him against the wall with a pink hand fan pointing at his neck.

"I just said--!"

"Don't worry. She's not fighting, though. They're just having a friendly conversation, right?"

"Yes, bro. We are. I've tangled with some of you guys in the past, and I'm noting a serious lack of weaponry, or webbing. You're pulling your punches. Why?"

"The master learned of your arrvial and decreed you would meet her. There was no guarantee you two would come willingly or peacefully. We were sent to make assurances."

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