~ Chapter 5: Like A Date? ~

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Y/N and Kirby are heading out to buy something to eat as she had promised him a sweet treat. As they were walking, Y/N didn't noticed someone in front of her and bumped into them with her face against something soft. She spluttered out, backing away to see a familiar fluffy red tail. Y/N realized it was Fiona who turned to her in shock.

"Oh my! Fiona! I am so sorry. I didn't see you there."

"I-It's fine. I didn't know." Fiona stuttered, blushing a little. "What are you and your friend Kirby doing?"

"Oh, we're here to get lunch. I promised Kirby some nice treat. I made sure he eats something healthy before going for a desert, right, Kirby?"

"Pooteetah." Kirby huffed, remembering he was forced to eat some vegetables before he eat the rest of the good meal.

"You wanna join me? There's room for one more. We could go and hang out."

"L-Like a date...?" Fiona silently asked.


"I-I mean, sure! I don't mind! Let's go."

Fiona was about to lead the way, but stopped. She turned to her feeling embarrassed.

"Which way is it?"

Y/N chuckled, finding her funny.

"I'll show you. Come on."

"Pooteetah!" Kirby jumped in joy, happily following her like a duckling.

Fiona followed her after.


They are now sitting in the table underneath the big umbrella that covers them from the bright hot sun. Kirby's eyes sparkled at the delicious sight of ice cream sundae as Y/N and Fiona ordered their own food and drink. Y/N gave him a spoon as he happily took a scoop of it and tasted it in his mouth. His eyes widen and began to dig in fast.

"Careful now. Eat slowly. You don't want to get brain freeze."

Kirby nodded at her without facing her. Fiona stared at her, wondering what she should say as she's sitting with the girl she had a crush on. 

"So, Fiona. What have you been doing in your life? Got any hobby?"

"Oh, uh... not that much. To be honest, I don't have much things to do besides... doing some treasure hunting and petty crimes..."

Y/N frowned.

"Oh? What caused you to change?"

Fiona sighed.

"I've been having a harsh time lately. And I, uh... kinda hate your brother."

Her eyes widen in shock.

"D-Don't get me wrong. I'm over with that. Well, a little. It's just... I don't know if you know this, but after I was left behind when Sonic rescued Mighty the Armadillo and Ray the Squirrel from one of Robotnik's bases, I blamed him for a really long time, but after hearing you nearly died to save your brother and your friends to defeat the Metarex and save the planets... I couldn't continue believing that your brother would leave me there on purpose. Sometimes, he is so selfish."

Y/N stared at her in silence while Kirby is finished his sundae and burped loudly. He grabbed the napkin and wiped his mouth.

"I don't think you're over with forgiving Sonic yet."

Fiona looked at her in shock.

"I'm not?"

"I can tell. You may be the Freedom Fighter because you believe you can trust Sonic, but on the inside, you're still holding the grudge against him. Maybe you're broken, because you don't trust anyone. You gotta step it up."

She grabbed her hand.

"I promise you. That I'll never leave you. My brother would have known your existence matter. Not all people are like that. You've gotta prove them that you're not just some random girl that rarely gives attention."

Fiona couldn't help but smile, tearing up a little. She gripped her hand back.

"Thank you, Y/N..."

Y/N smiled back.

"How about we eat before our food gets cold? And I see you've finished your sundae already, Kirby."

"Pooteetah, pooteetah." Kirby said, smiling while sputtering.

"You're so cute." Y/N giggled, patting his head.

Fiona giggled before they both started digging in their food as Kirby decides to drink water.


Y/N and Fiona laughed along the way to the Knothole City with Kirby in front of them jumping up and down.

"That's when I told Sonic that it's his cockiness that made Shadow not liking his attitude."

"I mean, who doesn't? He can be a bit cocky at times when I saw him."

"Yeah. He's you know, Sonic."

The girls giggled again and found Sonic looking bruised.

"Huh? I wonder what happen to him. I gotta go talk to him. It was nice having a lunch with you, Fiona. Maybe we should hang out sometime."

"That would be great." Fiona smiled in delight. "This time it's on me."


Y/N waved her goodbye along with Kirby as they walked over to Sonic.

"Bro, you okay? You look beaten up."

Sonic looked at her in surprise.

"Oh, yeah. I've been better. Just have a rough day that's all."

Y/N raised her eyebrow at this.

"Okay... but—"

"Sonic! What happened to you?"

They turned to see Amy.

"Oh, hi, Amy!" Sonic greeted.

"'Sup, Amy." Y/N waved at her.

"Need some serious TLC? I'm there, hon!"

Amy kissed Sonic on the cheek, shocking him, Y/N, and Kirby.

"Huh?" Y/N questioned, raising her eyebrow.

"...Uhh..." he stuttered.

Before long, Sonic, Y/N, and Kirby has walked Amy Rose home.

"If you're not doing anything tomorrow—?"

"I'll let you know..."


Amy then closed the door. The three of them started walking.

"What's with her? Does she even know that you're with Sally? What did you do?" Y/N asked.

"I actually have no idea. I don't ever remember her coming on to me like that before!"


"I don't think so, Kirby." Sonic said.

Just then, they saw Bunnie coming over with a smile on her face and hands on her hips. For some reason, she looks like she's been hit by some sort of Cupid arrow.

"Hey there, Sugah!" she greeted. "Think it's about time you made up for our staying out late?"

Now this made them even more confused. First, Amy, now Bunnie. What's next? If only they knew it was Anti-Sonic that did this whole thing with all the other girls he sees. Well, actually Sonic kinda guessed that his evil version of himself did this. If Anti-Sonic ever sees Y/N, it would be bad. But fate will sadly bring them together for them to meet face to face.

"Am I supposed to know what was going on? Or am I missing something here?"

"I... have no idea what's happening to me right now..."

(A/N: Sorry if this story is so short. I just thought of giving some moments with Fiona. The next chapter will be long.)

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