~ Chapter 71: Fury ~

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In the Crystal Desert Zone, Sonic, Y/N, Tails, and Bunnie are chasing after Metal Sonic, who's holding the blue Chaos Emerald he found. Sonic and Y/N are close behind the robot with Tails and Bunnie behind them. Dusts were being blown at the hedgehog siblings' faces by Metal Sonic's rocket from its back.

"*PTHHT!* Kicking up sand is cheating, ya jerk!" Sonic shouted, closing his eye from the flying sand.

"We can't let him get away with that emerald!" Y/N shouted, throwing kunais at Metal Sonic who dodged them while smacking one off with its claws.

Metal Sonic curled itself and smashed through the colorful crystals as shards went flying. Tails and Bunnie quickly grabbed Sonic as they fly over the broken crystals with Y/N kangaroo jumping beside them.


Metal Sonic then boosted itself to go faster from the rocket.


They immediately chased after that robot as Bunnie blasted out laser and Y/N summoning her pink shield from her ruby and flung it towards Metal Sonic. Sonic sped up as he kicked up the sand, accidentally making it fly towards Tails' face.

"Don't even pretend you can outrun us!"

"*PTHHT!* GAK! Sonic!"

"Sorry, bud."

As they run down the sandy hill, Metal Sonic activated the portal as it goes to jump through it when Sonic and Y/N tackled the robot.

"Oh, no you—!"

Before Bunnie and Tails could come in next, the portal closes on them as soon as Sonic, Y/N, and Metal Sonic went through. They crashed onto the ground and found themselves in the place called the Burning Ruin Zone.

"...don't. Whoops."

Sonic and Y/N got up to see some lava and ruined rocks and when they looked up, they were shocked to see someone floating in the air as they closed the portal they went through with their telekinesis.

"Silver??" Y/N questioned.

Silver glanced down at them in shock.

"Y/N?! Sonic?!"

Suddenly, Metal Sonic kneed Sonic in the gut, causing him to grunt out in pain before it flew off leaving him to kneel the ground. Y/N ran over to her brother as Silver landed beside them.


"Oh, man! Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Fine. Grab Metal Sonic!"

Silver looked to where Metal Sonic had gone off.

"Um... He's already gone. It's like he's faster than you..."

Y/N deadpanned at him for that as she slowly helped Sonic up who's holding his stomach.

"Lies and slander. *KOFF!* We need to hurry after him before..."

He stopped himself to see there's no portal here.

"...I guess there's not a whole lot to escape to, is there?"

"Sorry, I wasn't expecting anybody to come through!" Silver apologized.

"Can you explain this?" Y/N asked in confusion.

"I've been closing all the Genesis Portals I can find, remember? I was in the middle of closing the one leading from your world to this messed-up dimension when you two and Metal Sonic tumbled through. With the portal closed, he's trapped here with us!"

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