~ Chapter 87: Let The Show Begin! ~

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By the G.U.N. Headquarters, the guards are standing near the entrance guarding as they held their blasters. Their posture looks serious and intimidating. What they didn't know is that they're in for surprise. A swift sound was heard and a whip was wrapped around one of the soldier, who was caught off guard, and then was pulled up before he could yell. This was unnoticed by the guard as he was still on guard until he heard a loud thud. He turned to see the soldier on the ground, unconscious. He checked over to him when a hand karate chopped them in the neck, causing him to fall onto the soldier unconscious. It revealed Y/N as she dusted her hands out. She checked their pockets before finding a keycard she needed. Kirby popped out from Y/N's back.

"Let's go."

Her and Kirby head inside the building. Meanwhile, Eclipse was still starting the wall without a word while the Dark Arms are flying around, looking bored and hungry. A sliding door was opened and closed. He glance back to see Rouge as she gave him a blank look.

"You sure look messy."

"Gee, thanks."

"You know, I'm surprised you and Y/N have grown close. Why is that?"

"Because she sees me as someone who deserve a better life."

Rouge was surely surprised that Y/N had changed Eclipse just like how she changed Shadow. Maybe taking Eclipse and the Dark Arms to prison isn't a good idea, seeing they're not attempting to escape this prison. She was about to open her mouth to say something else when a hand was placed on her shoulder. Rouge turn around to see Y/N.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?"

"Sorry, Rouge. Nothing personal."

Y/N pulled out a lipstick as she opened it and it begins to shock her.


Rouge's body move frantically like she was forced to do a dance off. Y/N smiled and shouted.

"Lipstick Taser!!"

She then faints on the ground.

"Thanks for the gift though. Really like this weapon."

Eclipse ran over to the glass for him to see her upclose.

"Y/N! What are you doing here?"

"Came to rescue you. What else?"

Kirby comes out and runs over to the Dark Arms, who're excited to see him and Y/N.


"No buts! I'm busting you out whether you like it or not. I can't leave you to rot here. Not when you have a path that's ahead of you."


Y/N looks around the room.

"Now, how do I open this glass prison?"


She turned to see Omega with his armed cannon on.

"Saving Eclipse and the Darks Arms."


"We'll you're just gonna have to go through me."

Omega begins to fire her which she quickly dodged that and pulled out her sword. She deflects them and charges at the robot. Once she was close, Y/N swings her sword and strikes Omega as his body begins to turn into ice until he's completely frozen.

"Sorry, Omega. Can't let you stop me from doing the right thing."

Kirby gasped to see someone.


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