~ Chapter 38: Journey to the East Pt. 2 ~

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The next day, they set out to meet the Yagyu Clan when they were suddenly attacked by the Yagyu Ninjas that jumped out of the water they're hiding in.

"An ambush!" Sonic shouted in alarm.

One of the ninja hissed at them.

"I'm still learning the local lingo..."

Sonic spin dashed one in the stomach.

"...But I think that means 'beat the snot out of me!'"

Kirby let out a battle cry and knocked the Bat Ninja away with his spin kicks while Y/N karate chopped their neck to knock them out cold. Ken strike the Bat Ninja in the stomach with his staff.

"Stinking Yagyu Scum! I knew we shouldn't have trusted their summons! We'll show them what happens to back-stabbing thieves around here!"

Ken smashed the ninja's head with one another Tails was holding.


Sonic spin dashed another one, knocking them over.

"You can tell this clan isn't as organized as the others. This ambush is sloppy."

One of the Bat Ninjas tried to attack Sally from behind.

"The Gossamer Clan got the same kind of drop on us, and we were caught in seconds."

Tails stomped down on the bat ninja's head, knocking him unconscious.

"If they're such push-overs, why did the Iron Queen bring them over to help the Dark Egg Legion?"

"I don't know, Tails. Maybe they were easier to uproot without upsetting the whole clan?"

"Maybe she just wanted the Legion to feel better about themselves."

This made Y/N and Kirby snicker.

"Be nice, honey. Those people have been through a lot." Sally said, smiling amusingly.

"Man, I'd forgotten how much I hate getting wet." Sonic said.

"Get over it, bro."

Ken knocked the sai out of the bat ninja's grasp and grabbed him by the collar.

"Now—Are you going to fulfill the invitation to meet with your lord, or do I put you back with the rest of the pond scum?"

"HISSSS... W—Wait... You're the ones he sent for?" Ninja Bat asked in shock.

On cue, Tails was drying Sonic and Y/N with his twin tails while Sally was ringing out her vest and Kirby shaking himself dry as they all glared at the ninja bat.

"Do we look like locals?" Sonic deadpanned.

"HISSSS! Pardon! Pardon! We thought you were just travelers! Simple robbery! Honest! Honest!"

"Just shut up and lead the way." Ken glared.


And so, the bat ninja led Sonic, Y/N, Kirby, Sally, Tails, and Ken into the bamboo forest.

"Not much further! Promissse!"

"Ken..." Sally started. "The Yagyu Clan has no bride for their house, right?"

"Right. The Iron Dominion killed the Bride of Rich Nights and took the Yagyu as their own."

"Does that make things easier or harder for us? Without a proper bride, they may not fall back on tradition, but they may mot want to give up the Iron Queen either."

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