~ Chapter 60: Countdown to Chaos ~

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Mystical Ruins Jungle

"Outta the way, jungle! Hedgehogs comin' through!" Sonic said, sliding through the log across the lake with Y/N not too far behind him as she skate through the log with Kirby holding on.

"Yeah! You show those leaves who's boss!" Tails cheered, flying behind them.

"Pooteetah!" Kirby agreed.

Sonic and Y/N jumps over the branch.

"Says the fox with the weed whacker tails. Any luck finding Rotor?"

"I've got a really weak signal narrowed down to a few hundred meters, but that's it. If the king hadn't given us those coordinates, there'd have been no way to know where to look."

"And Rotor's the one Freedom Fighter we've got any lead on. Hopefully, he's got a clue where everyone else is." Y/N said.

"And once we find them, they'll prove or disprove my theory about them being key to restoring Nicole?"

"Speaking of—How are you doing, Nicole?" Y/N asked in concern.

"S-S-Still *KRK!* bug-g-g-gy." Nicole said.

"Hang in there. We'll make this right." Sonic assured. "And we'd be doing it a whole lot faster if Rote' wasn't being so darn secretive!"

"S-S-Secret pro—*SHK* —ject w-w-with Tailzzz. *WRP* H-H-Hiding-ding-ding fffffrom Eggman."

"I see." Y/N said.

"I...I think I remember that. It seems familiar. But it's through two sets of memories." Tails said.

"Don't sweat it, li'l bro. I'm sure Rotor can sort it all out for us...when we find him. Man, I wish we could narrow down that signal or find some kind of..."

They skid to a stop to find a wooden plank just on the other side of the river.


They jumped over to find Big who's fishing and Froggy.

"Big! What are you doin' here, buddy?"


"I can see that." Y/N giggled. "But do you know about the uh... project Rotor and Tails were working on?"

"Yeah. It's big, like me!"

"Haha—I bet! We got lost. Can you show us the way?" Tails asked.

"Sure." Big said, standing up with Froggy hopping onto his shoulder. "This way!"

Soon, they made it to the edge of the cliff where they can see the beautiful view of the land and in the distance, they can see orange with a big yellow star in the middle building.

"Woah!" Y/N awed.

"Dude, I never get tired of this view. Even if the Final Egg's Tower is stickin' out and being an eyesore." Sonic said.

"The what?" Tails and Y/N questioned.

"Y'know, the Final Egg? Base for the Egg Carrier? When the doc was using Chaos and he... and he... huh... I guess that happened on this world. My memories are starting to run together."

"What if... What if our new histories overtake the old ones?"

"I don't know... And I'm worried about that..."

Big suddenly pointed at something ahead.

"Somebody's fighting."

He was right as those purple flying robots are attacking the base with machine guns shooting at them that were activated. Rotor was fighting them off as he grabbed one and threw it towards the other as they crash into each other.

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