~ Chapter 25: Metal & Mettle ~

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Sonic, Y/N, and Knuckles are standing in front of the Council of Acorn for a meeting.

"What's up for debate?! We've rested up, so let's go kick some inter-dimensional butt!" Sonic said.

"Scourge may have conquered the Anti-Mobius..." Rosemary started.

"Moebius." Y/N corrected her.

"...but our world is different. He won't make his gains so easily."

"Besides, considering the gains we've made in Robotnik's City, we should focus our attacks on him. We cam get Freedom HQ back later." Hamlin said.

"The vote to leave Freedom HQ for now?" Elias asked.

"Yea?" Dylan raised his hand questionably.

"Yea." Hamlin said.

"Nay." Chuck disagreed.

"Yea." Rosemary said.

"Nay!" Rotor pound his fist on the table in disagreement as well.

"Yea." Penelope said.

"I'm sorry, but the council votes..." Elias said.

Sonic, Y/N, and Knuckles left in disappointment and anger.

"Yeah, yeah. We'll see about that." Sonic said.

"Some help you guys are." Y/N scoffed for everyone to hear.

They went outside and stood on the stairs.

"C'mon, guys. We can take the place back ourselves."

Y/N nodded with a hum, but Knuckles had something else to say.

"I don't know. Maybe they have a point."

She turned to him in shock along with Sonic.


"Dude, I know you don't agree with them! You need to do what you think is right."

Knuckles turned to him in anger with his fist raised.

"I did! And now my dad is--!"

Y/N immediately went between them.

"Knuckles... Look..."

Knuckles just walks away with a tear in his eye.

"Do whatever you want."

Soon he left as Sonic turned to her if she's coming with, but by the looks of it she's going to talk to him. He nods in understanding and took off as Y/N goes after Knuckles. She looks around for any sign of him and found him sitting on the bench by the lake in front of him, holding a warp ring. She stops and stands beside him as they stay there in silence. The only sound they could hear is a roar of a river.

"Hey." Y/N said.

"Hey." Knuckles greeted back. "Why aren't you with Sonic?"

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay. We're supposed to be working together on this."

"I guess. At least he can trust his gut."

Y/N turned to him with her raised eyebrow.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I make too many mistakes on my own. Maybe if I follow everyone else..."

"You did that, too, you know."

Knuckles turned her and shouted.

"So waht do you want me to do? I listen to my dad, and I'm alone forever! I listen to everyone else, and I let Angel Island get torn apart! I listen to myself, and I make everything worse!"

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