~ Chapter 80: Out Of This World Project ~

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The next day, all the producer team, the stage crew, the Freedom Fighters, including Freddy and the gang are gathered together as Y/N began her introduction.

*SPOILER ALERT! This story will be based on the movie Sing 2. For those who haven't watched Sing 2, I highly suggest you avoid it and watch it before reading this. I rate it 20/10 for the best effort of the movie.*

"Good morning! On behalf of myself, I just wanted to say that to be given this fellow opportunity working with you all, here in this theater, well then it's an honor for all of us. I believe that together we can make a show that'll take the audience 'Out Of This World'!"

Y/N removed the cover to reveal the golden spaceship with sparkles and the title of Out Of This World. The stage crew and the theater group applauded their hands.

"And a big thanks to my new friend for staying up all night to make this all. I owe him big time once I see him again."

She uncovered the book the reveal two little cardboard Chica and Rotor standing on the spaceship, with one of them being a robot.

"Here she is folks, the star of our show, Chica."

She pointed to Chica, who's surprised. Freddy, Roxanne, and Monty cheered at this as Roxanne hugged Chica.

"That's you, baby!"

"The lead role?!" Chica exclaimed in excitement.

"Trust me. You are perfect for it."

This made everyone cheer for Chica.

"This is amazing..."

"So the story goes like this. Chica plays an astronaut searching for a missing space explorer, Monty."

Monty was surprised to hear this.

"Together with her trustee robot..."

Y/N gestured to Rotor, who's also surprised.

"Whoa! Me?"

"That's right. They follow the trail across oral orbinet. There's the moon planet Lunaria, to the planet of War, to the planet of Love, another to the planet of Despair, and one of Joy, especially to the planet of Black Comet. Each planet will have its own spectacular musical number performed by one of our terrific catalyst. Montgomery Gator will be the role to play as a missing space explorer for the beautiful final performance."

The stage crew gasped in fascination while they all looked excited.

"And how does it end? Do I find the missing explorer Monty?" Chica asked.

"That'll be for the surprise. You'll see how it ends once you all perform your role. We only got three weeks to make this a reality, folks. Let's get to work!"

Everyone nodded and began setting up the stage for the space musical as Y/N turned to her friends and the band.

"Freddy, you are gonna play the endgame warrior for the fantastic battle scene."

"Wow! Great!" Freddy smiled at this.

"Come with me!"

Y/N lead him to the dance class where all the people are stretching with their bodies flexible enough for their legs to reach over their necks or do splits on the chairs. This made Freddy nervous at this.

"Freddy, I want you to meet your fellow dancers."

"Hello, superstars."

Everyone happily greeted him back before doing their normal routine.

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