~ Chapter 39: Journey to the East Pt. 3 ~

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"The Destructix!" Sally shouted, looking angry to see them as well as Y/N.

"Now that we have your attention, there's something we would like to discuss." Fiona said, looking rather oddly calm.

But they didn't want to listen to her as Sonic, Y/N and Kirby, and Tails charged them.

"You've got more than my attention! Let's take 'em, Tails and Y/N!"

"You got it!"

"On it!"

As everyone started fighting, Y/N decided to help Sally as she punched Fiona straight into her cheek. Fiona fell to the ground with a grunt. Fiona got up and smirked.

"How's life going?"

Y/N said nothing and just glared at her with hatred. It's clear that she's still hurt and angry that Fiona, who thought she could trust, would betray her as a friend. Now she'll never forgive her, and yet she still cares for her. Fiona, though regretting it, still wants her back by asking her to join Destructix which she refused. Fiona really wanted Y/N to be her friend again and to be something more because she still loves her even if Y/N doesn't see it, she won't give up.

"Not talking to me, huh? Still have second thoughts about joining me?"


Kirby growled at Fiona who's unamused.

"Worth a try."

Sally had enough and went to kick Fiona when she kicked her back as their legs are crossed.

"Think you can handle me, princess?"

"I was saving you for myself!"

"Yeah, right! The only time we see you jokers is when you want to give me a black eye." Sonic scoffed, rubbing Frog's head with his knuckles.

"Stop! Desist! Yield! No more noogie-boogie-woogie!"

"If you're not here to cause trouble, then what do you want?" Sally asked, glaring at Fiona.

"I mean it! Fun time's over, boys! Pack it in!"

Fiona snapped her fingers and the boys regrouped.

"Oh, we're here to cause trouble, but when we got word that you guys were in the area we came to recruit you into the fun."

"Word travels fast around here." Sally mumbled, crossing her arms.

"Of course there would be..." Y/N sighed.

"Speaking of fast, how the heck did you go all the way out here so quick?" Sonic asked.

"It wasn't about you at first, but it was about your sister, but let's start from the beginning. Remember when you managed to sucker the Suppression Squad into turning on Scourge? I got out while everyone was fighting in the lab. I... had my own plans after that. I needed some muscle, so I went looking for the Destructix." Fiona continued. "What I found, though, was the team's miserable remains."


"What do you want?" Sleuth Dawg asked, leaning against the chair he's sitting on.

"I want the Destructix."

"You can have them. Drago went back to the Eggman Empire, the idiot. Lightning left saying something about 'honor restored'. Since he left, the others haven't been the same."

"Yeah, well, work is work and money is money, how much do you want?" Fiona asked, crossing her arms.

"When I said you could have them, I meant it. I'm done."

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