~ Chapter 19: Enerjak: Reborn ~

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Y/N, Sally, and Dimitri stand in front of the Council of Acorn for a meeting. Not too long ago, Y/N brought Kirby home to her treehouse to let him rest and was just out to the Lake of Rings when she happened to bump into Dimitri. She was shocked and demanded him on how he get there in case he's planning something terrible, but what he said surprised her. She could tell something was wrong as he asked her where Knuckles is and told him that he's been away for the past few days in Angel Island. That's where they're here after Y/N guided him to New Mobotropolis where he can get help.

"Now that the Council of Acorn have gathered, you have the floor, Mr. Dimitri. Tell us everything you know about this 'Enerjak' person." Elias said.

"Of course, King Elias." Dimitri said.

Nicole appeared next to Sally.

"It looks like Sonic has stalled him, Sally and Y/N."

Y/N growled, feeling frustrated that her threat is not enough for him to keep away from them.

"I knew he would. Keep us posted, Nicole."

Nicole nodded and disappeared as Dimitri began to explain.

"I was Enerjak at one point myself. Understand that ages ago, I was a brilliant chaos scientist. In my arrogance, I tried to absorb the powers of the Chaos Emeralds, and I was transformed. I was no mere 'person.' I was a God. As Enerjak, I thought myself unstoppable. I would have conquered all of Mobius! But my power was stolen. Centuries of aging caught up with me. I was nearly undone, until the Dark Legion rescued me with their cybernetic processes. It was not a perfect solution, however. With my life still ebbing away, I allowed Dr. Finitevus to disassemble me in hopes of finding a way to return me to my former power."

"And you trusted him with your life?" Sally asked, crossing her arms.

"Try to understand, princess. At that point, I was desperate. I thought he was genuinely loyal like the rest of the Dark Legion."

"Sometimes you can't trust anyone even if they're part of the group. They'll just use you and stab you in the back. That's why I'd rather be careful around others before trusting them." Y/N pointed out, looking at him.

"I'm fully aware of that." Dimitri said.

"So if you're not going to be Enerjak, who is?" Uncle Chuck asked.

"I do not know, Sir Charles. I came looking for aid the moment I realized Finitevus had betrayed me. Yet, I hadn't anticipated that the last bastion of 'Freedom' on Mobius would be so slow to act."

"My first concern is my people. We're not going to rush to arms without a solid plan." Elias said.

"As a field leader, I can tell you that the Freedom Fighters are ready and willing to go to Angel Island at a moment's notice." Sally said, making Y/N nodded in agreement.

"Precisely. Stop this madness before it begins." Dimitri said.

"BUt like King Elias said, we don't want you going without every advantage. We can only spread Nicole and her nanites so thin." Dylan Porcupine said.

"Dylan, who says we need to be protected—?"

"Then send the Chaotix. They claim Angel Island as their home."

"It's true that the Chaotix are free agents..." Elias started.

"But...?" Dimitri and Y/N questioned.

"...They've risked their lives for my people. They're entitled to our protection as much as anybody else."

After a lot of debating, they all came to a decision and ended the meeting as Y/N and sally left the castle when Nicole appeared in front of them with worry.

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