~ Chapter 78: Meeting Eclipse the Darkling ~

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At night, two soldiers of the Mobian Egg Army are guarding the lair when they heard a shuddering voice.

"Man, it's cold!"

They brought out their blaster and turn to see Y/N walking in with her hands rubbed together. She stopped and waved at them.

"Hey, fellas. Special G.U.N. Agent Y/N the Hedgehog here. How you livin'?"

"Put your hands where we can see them!" One of the soldier ordered.

"Whoa, okay, okay. Everybody good? I'm just gonna take this gun and I'm gonna toss it to Shadow here." Y/N said, taking out the gun.

They turned and flinched to see Shadow the Hedgehog leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"And while you're both looking at him with clear fright, trying to figure out what's going on... I'm just gonna knock you out."


Y/N kicks the gun to Shadow, who caught it and then hits them both. Rouge comes in and ties them up whilst giving them a kiss on a cheek.

"Nighty night~"

"Clear, Omega?" Shadow asked as Omega flies up to them.


Omega gave them thumbs up. Y/N nodded and turned on her watch.

"We're in position."

"What is your situation?" Speaker asked.

"Just getting a visual... now."

Mini-drones spy fly around Eggman Empire lair.

"10 o' clock."

The image on Y/N's watch reveal Thunderbolt as she pace around as she ordered her armies to keep working.

"Thunderbolt the Chinchilla. That angry little pipsqueak."

"There. That briefcase is your objective. Inside is Eggman's so-called new plan to take over the world. We don't know what he's up to, but we can't risk him doing something more dangerous. You must do it quick before he does."

"On our way." Y/N nodded before shutting off her watch.

"Y'know, this is fun to have you around in this mission." Rouge said with a smile.

"Maybe. But don't tell my friends about it. Don't want to get them upset." Y/N joked.

Shadow chuckled a little, feeling comfortable having her here. They all head inside as they're now undercover in a water tank in their swimming gear. Omega looked through his sensor.

"Eggman will be coming soon to receive his plan." Egg Soldier said.

"Then, get it ready! No wasting time!"

Y/N and Shadow looked at each other and nodded. Rouge brought out the exploding device as she clicked it and tossed it towards the glass.

"Omega, bring out a good music. It's about to get real." Y/N said through the snorkle with a smirk.


Omega plays "Rocket Fuel" from his wrist. The tank explodes as the Dark Team makes an entrance, taking off their swimming gear then starts fighting with all the henchmen. Y/N whacked the soldier on the head with her pink shield without looking back and then split kicked both of the Egg Soldiers that tried to attack her all at once. Shadow brought out two lobsters from the ground and placed it on the soldier's shoulders, causing them to scream and faint. Omega shoots out every guns from the soldiers that tried to shoot him, causing them to run away. Rouge spin kicks them away as they knock into each other before tossing the table towards another henchmen as they went dizzy from the hard hit. Once everyone is down, the Dark Team turned to Thunderbolt, who's seething in pure rage.

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